So rather then fall asleep I ended up watching the rest of the LP.
Paz is evil. I have to say I never saw it.
I was putting my money on Miller.
You know, looking back, I can't blame Big Boss for being all 'fuck everyone, lets breed some child soldiers and make war for the sake of war' or whatever his motivation in Metal Gear was.
Everyone was out to fuck that poor guy over.
I find Big Boss only slightly less likable then Solid/Old Snake. Mainly because he has a beard versus a cute little white mustache.
the Date with Kaz was the icing on the cake for this game.
While the Date with Paz was.. a little unnerving to me, not because it was obvious fanservice but because of the (later disproven) fact that she was only 16, the date with Kaz had me in stiches.
I was laughing so hard my mom rushed into the room to ask if I was ok. She thought I was crying because of the abdominal pain I've been suffering from the last few days. :')
(what does that say about my laughter....)
Seriously, I died when Boss used the 'Stick with CQC!' prompt and Miller shouts 'Okay!' and immediately hits him and sends Big Boss flying.
Miller's little stomping animation was really great as well.
Needless to say. Peace Walker was a pretty great game now that I'm done with it.
I found it a bit of a slog to sit through at times, and the animation could be... really silly, but it was still an alright game.
My complaints were small:
Strangelove was a little TOO obsessed with The Boss/The Joy and her turnface at the end towards Huey didn't make sense at all. With all the mission briefing and calls it would have been nice to build on it more
The Monster Hunter tie in felt forced even with Chico's love of cryptids.
And lastely, If they had played up The Boss' martyrdom any more I might have gotten out a cross and nailed her to it myself for them all to worship.
Between Big Boss and especially Strangelove, I stopped feeling like she was a strong female character in a sea of rather sexualize women and more a trophy to be fawned over.
She was a Mary Sue in the end, right down to the 'fatal flaws that make me more endearing' trope with the head wound and the undying loyalty.
Anyways, now that it's 2am and I laid down 5ish hours ago, I think it's time for bed for real.
And not time for Metal Gear Raising.
can i just say i loved the way chip handled those missions and that i thought it was a stroke of editing genius
i agree though towards the end they kind of screwed up the boss's character a lot and changed her from a strong, tragic character to "YO HOW MUCH CAN WE HATE THIS LADY" "PUT HER IN SPACE, SHE'LL DIE" "YEAH!!!"