11 years ago
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11 years ago
it's incredibly frustrating that she gets on my case and pushes me around emotionally on my last day here with dani.
11 years ago
i know my plans changed at the last minute, but was it really necessary to start pointing out my faults and make me feel like shit?
11 years ago
there's a part of me that wishes i could properly describe how easily she gets under my skin after years of practice.
11 years ago
it's impossible to do though without tl;dr and getting all dramatic and too personal for my tastes.
11 years ago
still, i hate knowing that one little phone call and less than a minute of conversation can make my mood go south so quickly.
11 years ago
THIS is why i am moving out. THIS is why i need this all to work in my favor, just so i can get away from being emotionally triggered all the time.
11 years ago
if i can get that out of the picture more often than not, then maybe i can stop being such a basketcase downer at the most random moments.
11 years ago
i want to enjoy life, you know? not dwell constantly on how much of a disappointment i am to my mother.
11 years ago
like damn, i know i'm not the daughter you asked for, but could you maybe ease up a little and stop being so fucking two-faced?
11 years ago
rrrrrrr RRRRRRRR okay i'm done.
11 years ago
THOUGH TO LEAVE THIS ON A GOOD NOTE, i had a pretty awesome last day with dani and i'm 90% packed up to go early tomorrow morning.
11 years ago
then i pack in the evening, move in on wednesday, and do a little more moving from thursday to friday~
11 years ago
i'll be back in norcal on the 6th for a certain duo's big fat gay wedding
11 years ago
thinking very seriously about just staying until the 12th, but we'll have to see what happens!
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