and I just wanna say, I love you all very much.
With all of my heart and soul.
There's no push for any choice, your opinions are important.
I figured this was coming. :/ For my part, I'm sorry for my inactivity, my life has been so insane lately. >.<
Nooo terry it's fine sshh
Though personally, I don't see it as disrespectful to turn it into a musebox? I mean, I know that generally doesn't keep the game going, but it might be a nice place where peopel can revive nostalgia now
Yeah, it might be something to pick up after a bit of a break from it but for now it just feels like a musebox would be as inactive, I suppose.
Yeah, what Megan said. It's more like... We just really don't want to see it pitter out.
I'm certainly not opposed to the possibility.
And something more like a clean break seems best in order to avoid that, y'know?
It mostly depends on what everyone feels is best at this point. SO. open for ideas.
If I may, as an old player, while I may not have the time to play in SH, a musebox would be cool?
1 often find myself missing the world of SH
If it were to be a musebox I think it would be a more self contained thing where people can run events if they like
I understand the desire for a clean break, definitely. I am just someone who has become more comfortable in museboxes, I guess, because of the stress of my life.
Yeah, I tend to not be very good at them tbh.
I know they are definitely not for a lot of people.
So I can see why it might not be appealing.
But l understand that this is now an outsiders opinion and may not be valid.
but if people would like for it to be I think the setting should be open for it
That's not a bad idea at all
I'm sad to see the game go even tho I don't play there anymore. I feel if the game were treated a musebox I would be able to play there
Again. Part of the reason I never reapped is because the stress and responsibility of apping into a game is something I can't handle
But as a musebox or dressing room, I wouldn't feel like it was something I needed to do. Just something I wanted to do.
I miss the game since I grew up with it and I miss the players so being able to play with everyone would be great
I'm definitely starting to see a lean toward making it an open muse box here, so that seems like the most likely outcome.
Yeah, I rather like the idea of making dressrobes into it.
Oh 8( I'm sad to see this
I'm an old player but dressrobes is already perfect for a musebox and I'd love to play there some time! if it was still open.
Yeah, it is sad. :C but 8 years is pretty amazing for a game like wow.
and I'm glad that there's a big interest in a casual dressrobes thing
It definitely had a great run