so coming back today was... interesting.
talking to her via text for the past handful of weeks really helped our relationship, but then that phone call happened, which turned into tension when i came back home.
the car ride was awkward until we went to pick something up to eat orz
i thought it was going to go smoothly after that, but then i mentioned leaving to norcal again and she got all huffy and asked questions about what i was doing.
my irritation level spiked when she questioned if i'm going to a wedding where two girls are getting married, all the while sounding judgmental and like she disapproves.
the things i wanted to say :') i held back though and just changed the subject quickly so i could move on with my night without anymore conflict.
still, it disappointed me a little since i talked to dani about maybe, just possibly telling my mom that i'm dating her, but this kind of killed any will to share my private life with her.
which i don't do very often, due to constantly being told of the negative side of whatever kind of decision(s) i'm making.
i'm not sure why i even want to say anything, it's not really any of her business??
i don't know, i guess i'm just wishing that i could have a mother that i can share stuff with without being scared about how it'll affect my mood.
it's disheartening and crappy but oh well.
But I understand--my mom is either really judgmental and/or TELLS EVERYONE EVERYTHING I TELL HER
I put off telling her about my boyfriend for a month and a half, and then only did because she found out