11 years ago
walked into the house carrying food and her clothes, she just wanted to relax. "Søren?" She called as she dropped her keys. Raising an eyebrow when she noticed Berwald's shoes. Going to the kitchen she dropped
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11 years ago
the food and everything she was holding when she saw the sight.
11 years ago
hadn't moved from his spot at all. He was completely gone, the colour in his eyes, the colour in his skin, nothing of him was left.
11 years ago
stared from Søren to Berwald, for once she actually looked terrified, there was glass everywhere. "W-what did y' two do...?" She mumbled in a weak voice, looking at all of the blood that came from Berwald and
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the bruising and cuts that were obvious on Søren's throat.
11 years ago
would tell her what had happened, if he could. But for obvious reasons right now he couldn't.
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slowly began to look around the kitchen. Her thoughts turned from panic to annoyance. "... Y' destroyed m' kitchen..." She frowned after and went to get towels to mop up the blood so she could get to them.
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would attempt to help if he could. He knew there was a large mess, and he felt a little bad for her having to clean it all alone.
11 years ago
began to mop up the blood frowning when she got to the floor. She was sure it was ruined, but she would try to clean it regardless. About an hour and many towels later she had cleaned all of the blood. She
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got to the dead nations. With first aid kit in hand, she went to work of stripping the shirts from them and breathing a small sigh when there was no large damage on their torsos. The glass in Berwald's
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underarm was more of a concern. She knew what Søren had done to him and she knew that if she took the glass out and stitched up the outer cut, the inside would fix itself so she did just that. She sighed
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the glass in his face was shallow so it was easy enough to just pull up and patch up. The fact that he had bled out made pulling it out easier too because she didn't need to deal with more blood. After she had
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finished cleaning his wounds, she had to get him out of the kitchen. Starting to pick him up she grunted -he was exceedingly heavy- "O-Odin y' weigh a ton." Most things weren't a problem him and Søren were just
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exceedingly heavy. Dragging Berwald to the bathroom, the half shoved him into the bathtub she began to wash him off. When the water had stopped running red, she assumed he was clean and went back to dragging
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his corpse, this time to her room. Grunting a bit as she struggled to lift him onto the bed. She was completely finished with the other, and went to see Søren's corpse. Frowning when she looked at him, taking
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his shirt off to see if there were any cuts on his chest, thankfully there wasn't to what she could see. Gingerly she brushed his throat feeling it. "He wanted t' shut y' up huh..?" She sighed and cleaned the
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cuts on his face as well as taking the glass shards out of his face and head. Luckily for her he was decidedly less cut up. She got out all of the glass and began to take him to his bed. After they were both in
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beds she had to go back to the kitchen to clean up the glass and mop the floor. Frowning at the stained kitchen. They would be fixing this. After every part of their mess was cleaned, she picked up her things
11 years ago
sitting at the kitchen table, shaking her head at the stupidity of these two.
11 years ago
stayed out for a few days, but eventually he started to wake up. He was dazed and his throat killed. He slowly brought his hand to his throat, feeling it. All he felt was pain, and he had a killer headache.
11 years ago
had left a glass of water and pain pills on the bedside table, she knew he'd need them. That and about five bundles of popuri to combat the smell.
11 years ago
had slowly began to wake up, he groaned a little feeling exceedingly sore. He stared around wondering how he had gotten to this bed.. Seeing the painpills and water he gladly took them.
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grabbed at the water, sitting up to take a small sip. Because of his throat though he ended up just coughing it up and frowned. He fell back into his bed, holding his throat.
11 years ago
came up to check on Søren, she blinked raising an eyebrow. "Y'er 'wake.."
11 years ago
looked to her with a confused look before nodding. He tried to ask what happened, but no sound came out of his throat and it hurt him to try.
11 years ago
noticed that. "Shh.. Nej don' talk." She walked over to him, gently moving the hair from his forehead. "He punched y'er windpipe in.. Did a pretty good job for bein blinded.. Though y' did a number on 'im too."
11 years ago
smiled a bit at that and closed his eyes. His head was still killing him. He blindly grabbed for her hand, wanting that comfort.
11 years ago
held his hand lightly. "After y' both r'cover.. Y'er fixin the floor. 'S stained." She didn't sound mad right now, just relieved.
11 years ago
looked to her, not exactly sure what she was talking about right now. He was a bit blank on the subject.
11 years ago
sat on the bed with a sigh. "'M jus' glad y'er back 'nd okay.. B'sides the talkin.."
11 years ago
frowned at that and brought her hand to his face, rubbing against it. It was the most he could to to saying sorry for now.
11 years ago
leaned and lightly kissed his head. "Berwald should be up 'gain soon.." She didn't really want to talk to either of them, but she knew that they probably fought over something dumb so she had to keep calm and
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keep them calm.
11 years ago
frowned at that and leaned his head more into the pillow. He felt terrible, and even more terrible for her having to clean up and deal with them.
11 years ago
didn't want to tell him how upset she actually was, so she just played with his hair lightly with her left hand.
11 years ago
put his hand on his throat again, hating the soreness on it. He had issues seeing with his left eye too, and next brought his han up to feel the wounds there.
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took his hand away from his wounds. "Don' touch.. I jus' cleaned 'em b'fore y' woke up.. Y'er eye looks a little scratched though.. 'S y'er left eye blurry?"
11 years ago
frowned and tried to focus on her. She was blurry, more so in his left eye but his right eye was too.
11 years ago
sighed quietly. "We'll see how it 's after y' can get up 'gain." She was worried about his vision , and if it would fix itself or not.
11 years ago
started to sit up at that, wanting to know what he did and how bad the damage was.
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gingerly pushed his shoulders back down. "Nej.. Y' need t' rest. Y'er throat 's pretty bad.. I should probably try 'nd get y' 'n IV...." She wasn't sure if he could even drink right now.
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had tired, and it didn't work well. But he still didn't want to appear weak. He opened his mouth to ask for the glass of water.
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put a finger over his lips. "Shh don' even try. 'll get y' a note pad soon." She handed him the water. "Don' try t' swallow.. Jus' take small 'mounts 'nd jus' let it slide down y'er throat.."
11 years ago
nodded and did that, though he tried to swallow and coughed it up again. It hurt to do that, so he just fell back into the bed.
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sighed. "Y' tried t' swallow..." She was really worried that he would get dehydrated like this.
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closed his eyes and turned onto his side, the one opposite to the injured side of his face.
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lightly stroked his hair. "Jus' rest.. I don' want y' strainin y'erself.." She was thinking. "I should get y' 'n eye patch..." She knew it'd be better for his eye.
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frowned as he looked to her. He shook his head a bit, not wanting to wear anything that made him look injured.
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didn't care if he wanted to or not. She would make him. "Ja.. 'S only so y' don' strain y'er eye.. It'll heal faster.. Please.. For me?"
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nodded slowly as he blankly looked up to the ceiling.
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"Tack..." She went to get him a note book and pen, coming back she handed it to him. "Y' can write without lookin, ja?"
11 years ago
smirked a bit as he tried to write 'ja'. It turned out shaky, and a bit misplaced but it works.
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nods to him. "'lright. See.. Now y'er not completely mute." She smiled a little bit, leaning to kiss the top of his head, avoiding the left side of his face.
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smiled at that as he let his hand rest. He felt good just by feeling that.
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kissed his head again. "Y'er jus goin t' rest, ja? The only time y'er allowed t' get up 's goin t' the bathroom."
11 years ago
nodded a little as he tried to sit up again. He wanted to go to the bathroom to see what he looked like.
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helped him sit up. "Y'er stayin in bed." She said sternly. "I should go check on Berwald soon though..."
11 years ago
frowned and nodded as he held his throat again, feeling tired already from being awake. He still wanted to see what he looked like.
11 years ago
"'ll bring y' a mirror when I come back." She kissed his head again and went to check on Berwald.
11 years ago
looked toward the door when the other walked in. He knew it wasn't Søren, the steps were too light and the figure was too short. "Y' moved me then?"
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nods to him. "Mhmm. At least y'er 'wake.." She went to the desk, pulling out a mirror. "Søren's 'lright... No thanks t' y'." She frowned a little.
11 years ago
scoffed a little. "Long live the king." He mumbled with obvious contempt for her and him at this moment.
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stopped for a moment, turning back walking to the bed and back handing him. "No one. 'Nd I mean no one insults 'im in his own house. Y'er lucky I helped y'." She hissed at him, turning and walking out of her
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room, going back to the Dane's room.
11 years ago
wasn't able to focus on what had gone on, though he did hear them talk. He still felt terrible and hated when this always happened.
11 years ago
opened the door to Søren's room, closing it behind her. "Here's a mirror." She held it out for him sitting down on the bed hiding a huff.
11 years ago
took the mirror and looked at himself, frowning widely. He knew he hurt, but he didn't think it woul have been that bad. He touched the injured side of his face again, wincing a bit.
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pulled his hand down. "Nej.. Don' touch y'er face. Keep it clean." She mumbled.
11 years ago
nodded faintly, still looking at it as best he could. He flopped back onto the bed, pouting. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to help Astrid. He was slightly curious about Berwald, though.
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knew that he was curious. "Berwald's fine... He 'sn't bleedin or 'nythin." She shifted and looked at him. "He seemed... Jealous.. Are y' sure he doesn' feel 'nythin for y'..?" She was kind of curious.
11 years ago
looked over to her. He didn't know for sure... He knew he had a thing for him in the past, just as he had one on the other. But he thought that was passed since he hated him...
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"I think he does.. He seemed mad at me.." She frowned quietly thinking about that. "... Y' wouldn' leave me for 'im if he did, right?" She looked from him to her lap.
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watched her and brought his hand over to put over hers. It was his way of showing he'd always stay with her, even if Sve was his brother. They were together now.
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felt herself relax. She was so glad for that gesture. "'M glad..." She said happily.
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squeezed her hand an closed his eyes, feeling tired again. He thought that it Sve was around more his feelings would come back, an he didn't want that to happen.
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didn't want that to happen, she didn't really know what she'd do if that happened... "Y' should rest.." She squeezed his hand back.
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nodded as he looked to her. He held out his arms, wanting to nap with her for a bit,
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smiled a little bit shifting to get into his arms and lay with him. "Fine 'll nap with y'."
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smiled and held her close, but loosely. He didn't want to get her too close to his throat, or his face. But her warmth was comforting.
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noticed how she held him, so she shifted down to get herself down so her head was against his chest. "Better?"
11 years ago
nods at that, feeling better. He closed his eyes again and started to fall asleep
11 years ago
leaned her head against him, she closed her eyes and let herself begin to drift off.
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