teach42 says
15 years ago
Plurk seems pokey. Making it hard to browse around today. Anybody else experiencing this?
latest #9
TechNorth says
15 years ago
it sure does! Hard to know if it's Plurk or my internet connection...
cleisure says
15 years ago
been getting a lot of error messages, 405
15 years ago
heza says
15 years ago
Yes, me too!
arowland says
15 years ago
seems to be speeding up...
bbdrag0n says
15 years ago
can't tell here at school, our network is like dial-up...really slow!
15 years ago
It's fine on my iPod.
the TIRED guy says
15 years ago
Had some issues earlier but they seem to have cleared up around the same time Twitter stopped letting me post things.
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