Kaoru says
15 years ago
It's annoying when you're xing the street then someone would honk at you. That's really annoying >.> I'm not a damn hooker you ass ~_~
Lance says
15 years ago
karma works in mysterious ways. He (or she?) will get what's coming. XP
Kaoru says
15 years ago
heh it irks me *_* that's is like one of the wrong ways to get your attention
Lance says
15 years ago
payback: throw a rock at teh car XD
Yarrow says
15 years ago
XD one of my HS classmates' cousin would like have the guy pull over then she's start ranting the hell out of him~ loudly lol
drifter says
15 years ago
i'd walk slower than before to let them wait their ass moar :-P