finucane says
11 years ago
Since I haven't been Plurking much I may have missed this topic, but do you think NSA is watching Plurk?
latest #23
11 years ago
Only if the NSA agents want to fall into deep dispair.
11 years ago
just don't use key words like "terrorist" "bomb" and "snowden". oopsa
Despil です
11 years ago
Well, as the NSA would answer that question: The NSA doesn't have the authority to monitor foreign infrastructures.
finucane says
11 years ago
That would be at least 80% of the internet then, huh?
finucane says
11 years ago
I agree on every point.
finucane says
11 years ago
I'd add in gathering info on the actual politicians themselves for blackmail to make sure their budgets are left alone as well.
Despil です
11 years ago
FangRoffo - but it's nothing new. This is how it has always been, almost since the Declaration of Independence.
Despil です
11 years ago
oh, it can change but a lot of thing have to change for that. the feeling of superiority, the arrogance and the Messiah complex. :-)
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