11 years ago
if I started a dressing room game, would people play?
latest #12
11 years ago
It's possible~ What kind of dressing room?
11 years ago
relaxed anime. I was thinking that players have one account and use character icons when posting.
11 years ago
>.> Hm. Dressing rooms I've been on generally let you join with whatever accounts you have. /likes her icons dammit/
11 years ago
yup. I just want to avoid people feeling they need multiple accounts.
AiyokuSama was
11 years ago
there something you were looking for in a dressing room?
11 years ago
Good event/plot suggestions
Black Tailmon
11 years ago
I'd be interested o:
11 years ago
coffeeforink: Would the event/plots be manditory? How do you see it involving the players?
11 years ago
The only dressing room I've been in was a DC version of six word stories (which devolved into drama pretty quick) and was pretty much "do what you want"
11 years ago
kuroitailmon: Nice! So same question for you: what would you like to see in a dressing room game?
Black Tailmon
11 years ago
sorry i've not really been in a dressing room game before Dx
Black Tailmon
11 years ago
but i guess if theres some interesting things happening
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