Tateru says
11 years ago
Breaking: The Liberal/National coalition announces mandatory internet filtering, if elected.
latest #13
11 years ago
Say internet filtering, mean censorship. This is no good.
11 years ago
i.e. censorship. North Korea would be proud.
11 years ago
Lots of companies already filter out stuff because "it might be bad for your children". I have no children in my flat, so goddam don't filter my stuff! (angry)
Tateru says
11 years ago
Abbott and Hockey say it isn't a mistake.
11 years ago
Who cares what Abbott and Costello says?
Tateru says
11 years ago
And now it is formally recanted. Ohnoes! 30 minutes of policy announcement by multiple party leaders was.... an administrative error.
Tateru says
11 years ago
The coalition lost two points in the polls over it, bringing Labor and the coalition to about neck-and-neck on a two-party-preferred basis.
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