11 years ago
[Event]stands just outside the border around the red territory. She had her sword retracted and stowed away and seemed to anyone else around to be just a normal human as she kept an eye on her patrol area.
latest #98
Søren was
11 years ago
walking down one of the streets with his hands in his pockets. He was enjoying the weather, for what it was worth.
11 years ago
sighs quietly and tucks her hands into her pockets. Patrol had been quiet today and she was starting to wonder what was going on. She usually found at least one red clansman acting out of line.
11 years ago
ran a hand through his hair as he continued to walk, pulling out a cig not long after. He hadn't recognised her when she was in front of him, as he not so casually lit the cig without the use of a lighter.
11 years ago
had recognized him from her patrols of the area but had not seen him often and had little reason to believe he was related to the red clan or was of any concern. At least not until she saw him light the-
11 years ago
cigarette. A tiny frown crossed her face and she grasped the handle of her sword tightly in her pocket.
11 years ago
took a long drag before blowing out the smoke slowly. He didn't give her a second glance as he walked past her, bumping against her shoulder.
11 years ago
makes a sound of annoyance as he brushed against her but stays stoic. "Watch where you are going."
11 years ago
hums. "Ye should have stayed outta my way." He had no regard for anyone who wasn't in his clan.
11 years ago
had no regard for anyone who aligned themselves with the red king. She rolls her eyes and makes a mental note to keep an eye on him. First, she had to get out of his sight before she could track him.
11 years ago
continued to walk down the street before turning into a building. He had some business he had to attend to.
11 years ago
glances back at him making note of the building before ducking into an alleyway and shifting to the form of a mouse. She had trouble holding forms like this for long periods of time but she wanted to make sure-
11 years ago
that he wasn't doing anything wrong. She didn't trust any of the red clan. She runs through the alleyway and heads for the building, slipping inside the door as it opened for someone else.
11 years ago
made his way through the busy building till the elevator, getting off on the 13th floor.
11 years ago
blinks at the elevator as she watches him step in, monitoring the floor display as it rose. 13th floor. She groans inwardly. She'd be easily spotted in an elevator and the odds of getting to the 13th floor-
11 years ago
right away were slim. She makes her way to an emergency exit and slips under the door, hoping she'd find a staircase. After a quick look around she tucks herself in a corner and returns to normal before-
11 years ago
climbing the stairs.
11 years ago
walked into a room with a faint smirk on his lips. This was exactly where he wanted to be... There were a few thug like men in front of him, who were bulkier than he was.
11 years ago
reaches the 13th floor and tucks into another corner, transforming back into a mouse. She knew her appearance was not as realistic as before, a few pixels could be seen by anyone who looked closely. She slips-
11 years ago
under the door and scurries to a wall as she looked around. The clansman was no where to be seen but she did see a few thugs hanging around.
11 years ago
licked his lips before flames appeared around him, growing slowly before shooting out and hitting the thugs. It was only enough to give the thugs second degree burns, but nothing too fatal.
11 years ago
sees the thugs fall to the floor in pain as flames shot out at them. She growled and transformed back to her normal form, pulling her sword handle from her pocket and extending it as she rounded the corner,-
11 years ago
holding it at the ready. "Stop where you are."
11 years ago
tilted his head back to see her. "Hm. Thought ye seemed outta place earlier." He just smiled as he watched her.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes at him as she approached slowly. "That was a foolish move, earlier. Anyone could have seen it."
11 years ago
shrugs. "And yer point is? S'not like humans don't know we exist. We're the leadin' cause of natural disasters on this land."
11 years ago
"I think humans are the least of your concern right now. I just witnessed you use your power against those men. You will pay for your crime." She knew that this man was probably very powerful for what he had-
11 years ago
done but it was her duty to make sure he faced justice. She lunged at him suddenly, raising the sword to ready herself for a non lethal blow against him.
11 years ago
brought up his arm, engulfing it in flame to use as a shield against the sword. He tilted his head when her sword hit, not being moved from the force. "Ye must be new, eh?"
11 years ago
narrows her eyes, cursing internally. He wouldn't be an easy capture. "No, I am not." She pulls the sword back and holds it ready, watching him closely. "If you do not submit to judgement, I will have no-
11 years ago
choice but to engage in lethal force." She couldn't allow anyone so dangerous out into the city.
11 years ago
laughs at that, letting the fire fade away. "Trust me, ye don't wanna do that. For yer own safety."
11 years ago
"I will not allow you to harm anyone else." She starts to circle him, watching for a weakness.
11 years ago
shook his head. "Do ye even bother with gettin' information 'bout why I even did it? S'not like I attack innocent people for nothin'. I thought that was also apart of yer job."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "I don't need more information yet, as long as you are a danger. I can ask questions later. If they were not innocent, you acted out of line and deserve punishment as well."
11 years ago
shook his head as he headed out of the room and back to the elevator. "So much hassle for such a woman. Just take the day off, Blue."
11 years ago
twitches and charges after him, raising her sword again, this time not intending to hold anything back.
11 years ago
turned and grabbed the blade with his hand, narrowing his eyes at her. "Step back, before I burn ye to a crisp."
11 years ago
glares back at him. "As if I'd even give you the chance." She presses the blade into his hand, staring him down.
11 years ago
glared more at her as his hand started to glow red. "What a fool." He deflected the blade to the side before running for the window.
11 years ago
chased after him, her body becoming pixelated and blurry as she ran, preparing to transform should he jump.
11 years ago
smirked as he broke the window with fire before he jumped out, spreading his arms out as he began to fall.
11 years ago
transforms into a raven as she jumps after him, feeling her power start to drain.
11 years ago
watched the ground carefully, glad no humans were around before releasing a burst of fire, stopping his free fall and making him land without a scratch.
11 years ago
lands on a building nearby and watches him, her feathers appearing blurry.
11 years ago
looked around, spotting her not long after. He smirked at the sight, understanding now why he hadn't heard or seen her in the building.
11 years ago
knew she'd been spotted and flies off the building and lands near him, shifting back to her normal form. It would be easier to fight him like this anyways.
11 years ago
smirks as his aura started to pulsate. "Ye really wanna keep this up, Blue?"
11 years ago
readied her sword. She knew he was powerful and wasn't so sure she'd stand a chance but she was duty bound. It was her responsibility to make sure he didn't escape now. "Surrender now and I will spare you."
11 years ago
smirked more and licked his lips before his eyes glowed and his aura pulsed out. His Sword of Damocles appeared huge and high in the sky above him. "Ye'll be the one beggin' to be spared soon..."
11 years ago
stared up at the sky and took a step back. She had seen the sword before, knew what it meant. Her eyes dart back to meet his and she hesitates. With a deep breath, she tightens her grip on the sword, bracing-
11 years ago
herself. She would not back down, not even now.
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Foolish Blue. No wonder yer King is below me." He clenched his hand into a fist, fire appearing around it again.
11 years ago
runs towards him, watching his fist closely. She couldn't let it near her.
11 years ago
stepped towards her as she started running, using some of his power to strengthen his agility. He went to punch her, keeping the flame restricted to just his hand, though kept it powerful.
11 years ago
notices the punch and starts to move away but his hand connects with her arm and she winces, pulling away and bringing her sword into a defensive stance. Her sleeve was singed and burned skin was visible.
11 years ago
smiled as he could smell the burnt flesh. "Such a treat~" He stepped back, giving space between them.
11 years ago
glares at him and takes a few breaths, focusing on ignoring the pain before charging again, aiming for his hands.
11 years ago
kept the fire around his hands, blocking her blows as best as he could. He did get hit a few times, though nothing to make him slow down.
11 years ago
starts to swing faster, keeping her aim on his arms and hands. If she could keep them away from her or injure them, she thought she could at least minimize the damage he could do.
Søren was
11 years ago
mostly playing with her now, letting her get a few hits before he grabbed the blade again. "Enough."
11 years ago
twisted the blade and put all of her weight into it. "No."
11 years ago
winced faintly as the blade cut his hand. "I said, enough." He clutched the blade tighter and released energy into it, slightly melting and warping the sword.
11 years ago
growls at seeing her sword melting. Her body pixelates as she starts to transform.
11 years ago
growled and went to punch her, not wanting her try and trick him.
Gjertrud feels
11 years ago
the punch connect and winces, her body solidifying as she was distracted from transforming.
11 years ago
smirks and pushed her away, licking the blood from his hand. "Take this as a warnin, Blue. If ye mess with my clan again, ye will get more than a few burns."
11 years ago
glares at him. "And I will not allow you to harm anyone else."
11 years ago
hums. "Like I said, I don't hurt innocent people. But mess with my clan, an ye will be burned, if ye're lucky." He clenched his hand before turning away.
11 years ago
waits until he is turned before swinging at his back, enraged.
11 years ago
turned at the last moment, grabbing the sword and pulling it aside before shoving her to the ground.
11 years ago
winces as she hits the ground, hearing her sword clatter as it fell from her hand. She saw stars and tried to focus her sight.
11 years ago
put his hand on her forehead. "Do ye want to continue livin', Blue?" His hand started to glow red and heat up.
11 years ago
tries to glare up at him but it turns into a wince as she felt his hand. She catches her breath and closes her eyes. Her forehead starts to blur but it becomes solid again. She was running out of energy.
11 years ago
smirks and let her drop. "Ye attempt to attack me again, I'll give ye the mark of a target. Any red clan member who sees it will keep an eye on ye, and ye'll be watched, forever."
11 years ago
watches him, staying stoic from where she lay on the ground. She'd be watching him from now on but she'd need to focus on repairing her sword and reporting to her own king first.
11 years ago
narrowed his eyes at her again before huffing and walking away. His sword slowly faded before completly disintigrating for now. He needed to treat his hand before anything happened.
11 years ago
watches him leave before she relaxes a bit, pushing herself up and grabbing her sword. It wouldn't retract into the handle as it would normally. She frowns and leans against the wall of the alley, deciding to-
11 years ago
wait until nightfall to move. She knew it would look suspicious if she walked home carrying a sword and burn marks on her body.
11 years ago
started to pant by the time he got home, knowing he couldn't keep tapping into his power like that. He just wasn't the best at controlling his anger.
11 years ago
would be pleased to know that she had tired him out like that. She had assumed that she hadn't been able to do any damage to him at all.
11 years ago
had some damage, but he used a lot of his power for show. It was a weakness of his.
11 years ago
might take advantage of that in the future if she found out. The sun had started to set and she stood slowly, holding the sword at her side.
11 years ago
made sure the bar was closed early so he could treat his wounds, getting a clan member to help him out. He only hid a few things from his clan.
11 years ago
makes her way to the clan meeting place. She let another clan member help treat her burns, admonishing her for getting in a fight she knew she wouldn't win.
11 years ago
thought she was rather foolish... No one could take on the Red King, after all.
11 years ago
wasn't going to give up even after she learned who he was. She was duty bound and wouldn't let him go without punishment just because he was a king.
11 years ago
didn't know what the point of powers were if you couldn't use them. That's what he practiced, at least. To hold back was foolish.
11 years ago
thought it was more foolish of him to have no restraint and to use the powers against innocent people.
11 years ago
knew who he attacked weren't innocent. He never attack anyone without cause and reason.
11 years ago
didn't know that and really didn't care. Those who did wrong would face justice by the law. Acting as a vigilante was just as bad as any crime they sought to punish.
11 years ago
only acted on actions taken upon his clan. He looked after them, after all. He didn't great bonds with them for no reason.
11 years ago
thought that was a poor excuse for abusing his power. She settled down in a clan workshop, despite protests from a few others, and worked on her sword.
11 years ago
spent the rest of his night resting, occasionally having a smoke to calm his nerves. He knew he had to keep calm, but it was hard...
11 years ago
eventually gives up, tossing her sword aside. It was no use. The blade was damaged and the interface had broken from the battle. She returns to her home and lays in bed, staring at the ceiling. Next time she-
11 years ago
would do better. She'd make a better sword and prepare.
11 years ago
knew no matter how hard she tried, she'd never be able to at least kill him. Depending on his mood though, he'd play with her.
11 years ago
just wanted him brought to justice. She would make him surrender, make him admit guilt if she couldn't kill him.
11 years ago
would easily admit that he hurt the thugs. That was never an issue. He just thought she was a foolish Blue.
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