I have eaten a pint of Haagen Dazs, a can of soup, half a bag of croutons and a jar of generic hazelnut spread.
latest #12
So I guess it balances out.
I just feel really mad and sad today. I've been snappish all day and I don't want to be around anyone.
I could get 1000 notes and comments and I'd still feel like a waste of air and water.
A creature so phenomenally stupid she couldn't even kill herself because she wimped out at the last minuet yet thinks about it constantly.
No one likes you, no one wants you.
No matter what I do nothing will get better, nothing will change.
Disgusting. Absolutely, utterly disgusting.
Hell, the only reason I even post these things to plurk is because I can vent without anyone caring.
Last night I went to bed at 8pm and didn't get up until 10am this morning and I already want to go back to sleep.
I'm just so sick of being me and living my life.
I'm not smart, not talented, not funny or sweet or althetic or anything other then worthless sludge and evne then I can't very well do that good.
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