Sesi Ackland
11 years ago
Where do gorgeous, NICE guys go to meet nice girls in SL? One of our oldest, dearest friends is so lonely and kinda shy.
latest #31
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
D'awww! Is he single in RL too or just SL?
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
Yeah, he's single in all worlds. He's the sweetest guy! I sent him to live music shows and he said they were hoochies.
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
They prolly were hoochies tbh lol I can't even go shopping without seeing nipples tbh
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
I know, I went with him- he was right. He's too nice for SL I think.
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
Poor thing xD
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
If I were RL single I'd totally hang out with him xD But most single-in-RL guys don't wanna hang out with an girl who is engaged in RL and immaculate-conception-pregnant in SL rofl
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
I've tried to get him to come to family sims, events and things because that is probably the kind of people he would like but he's all nervous about it. He wants SL only for now, healing from an ugly divorce.
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
which is why he was out of SL for nearly a year. Idk what to do with him, I guess I'll keep trying.
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
Awww, poor thing :-(
11 years ago
Some of us are single
11 years ago
People in SL can be tricky. I can completely understand him only wanting Sl right now though, it is a good way (imo) to ease back into things and ...what Lexi said.
11 years ago
and lonely.. and shy too
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
I totally agree Stormy, I think he's doing a good thing for himself which is why I'd like to help him meet people. He's a RL friend of ours and SO nice.
11 years ago
Things_inSL: is he on plurk? If not.. have him join and socialize here?
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
well Lexi, where are all you hanging out? (tongue)
11 years ago
and also, I don't want RL in any way shape or form lol
11 years ago
I don't hang out anywhere to be honest. I'm bored out of my mind and mostly work and thats it
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
hmm.. I suppose someone needs to have a "I'm bored out of my mind Mixer" ... lol
11 years ago
A bored out of my mind x do nothing but work mixer
11 years ago
11 years ago
sign me up
11 years ago
I had 4 really really close friends in SL that i did everything with. They all quit over the past year
11 years ago
So it left me kind of sad and lonely
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
aww, that's sad too! Man.. it's strange how many people are lonely in SL. Well, I guess not most of us are introverts. Maybe it is time for a Plurk party for the lonely heart club..
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
I'm thinking about planning one..
11 years ago
My SL is work and a hour or two of roleplay
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
been there myself Stormy, the work part. It gets old, fast!
11 years ago
Oh and all the guys I keep meeting are gay
11 years ago
I use OKCupid and don't use SL at all for dating.
Sesi Ackland says
11 years ago
hypatiaa: he's not looking in RL.
Other Autumn 🍂 says
11 years ago
He could also join AvMatch...though I can't say it's really all that great rofl
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