11 years ago
[Event]finishes bandaging a burn on her face. It was getting harder each day to defend their territory. She sighs under her breath and starts walking to the high security wing. The King had been taking several-
latest #98
11 years ago
security shifts from what she had heard but she managed to figure out a time where she could get in without him seeing her. The last thing she needed now was to run into him. She pulls out the hilt of her-
11 years ago
sword when she reaches the Red King's cell and knocks at the door before starting to unlock it.
11 years ago
opened his eyes a little as he looked over to the door, breathing slowly. He was expecting to see the Blue King, but at the same time he thought it was a far fetched idea now.
11 years ago
steps inside, keeping her hilt close. "Stand up and put your hands behind your back."
11 years ago
frowned at that. "Why? What's the meanin' of this?" He didn't want to waste his energy.
11 years ago
"Mmm... You're being transferred to a different facility." Her features were blank. She doubted she would be able to get him to cooperate if she told him the truth.
11 years ago
narrowed his eyes as he sat up. "So why isn't the bastard King takin' me?"
11 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I'm sure he has more important things to be doing right now."
11 years ago
kept his eyes narrowed at her but sighed and got up. He didn't have enough mental power to figure out what was right and wrong right now. He held his hands behind his back as he stared at the wall.
11 years ago
walks up to him and fixes his cuffs so that there was one on each wrist before heading to the door. "Follow me."
11 years ago
did so, hanging his head a bit as he barely kept from dragging his feet. "Where're ye takin' me?" He had a feeling something was up.
11 years ago
doesn't answer as she leads him down the hall, keeping a close eye on him.
11 years ago
kept his eyes open, but barely. "Ye should tell me... I have the right to know."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, you don't actually and I've already told you."
11 years ago
hums as he lifted his head up and tilted it back, still following her. "I deserve to know my fate."
11 years ago
stays silent and leads the way to a door, holding it open for him. "Step inside."
11 years ago
glanced at her before stepping in. He guessed he had no real choice, and he wasn't in the mood for trying to escape. It'd be meaningless anyways.
11 years ago
steps after him, shutting the door behind them. There were a few cars lined up and she walks to the one parked nearest to them and opens the back seat. "Sit down in here."
11 years ago
kept his eyes on her, still suspicious about this all. He hesitated before walking forward and got into the car. "Does the Blue King know what ye're doin'?"
11 years ago
shuts the door once he is inside, acting as if she didn't hear him. She knew she would probably be facing severe punishment if the King ever found out. She gets into the driver's seat and starts up the car.
11 years ago
leaned back and sighed quietly as he rested into the cushions. "I want some kinda hint... s'no fun lettin' my imagination run wild, ye know. It can be dangerous, too."
11 years ago
drives out of the garage and passes the security gates, driving out into the city. "I am taking you to a different location."
11 years ago
smirked a bit as he watched the scenery. "To a desolate place where I can die without the loss of the city or any life?"
11 years ago
glances at him in the rearview mirror before looking back at the road in silence. She planned to take him out to a deserted area and try to kill him. Even if she died in the process, he would be alone in the-
11 years ago
middle of nowhere and could die without risking anything else.
11 years ago
sighed at that. "Figures. I never wanted this responsibility, I knew it'd lead to my death... Fanden."
11 years ago
drives out of the city, staying silent. She figured it was pointless to try to convince him otherwise at this point. He had been given the chance to live and had turned it down. It was her responsibility to-
11 years ago
keep him from hurting anyone else in the process and she doubted the Blue King would be able to kill him since he cared too much.
11 years ago
tried his best to take slow, deep breaths. He knew it was comin, but he still hadn't really prepared himself for it.
11 years ago
intended to stay with him until he died and knew it would probably mean her own death. She was choosing not to think about it right now. They drive past the edge of town, heading into a forest.
11 years ago
ran a hand through his hair as best he could with his hands being cuffed. "Ye're really doin' a lot for the King, eh?"
11 years ago
blinks back at him, her hands tightening a little on the steering wheel. "My clan is my family. I will do what I must to help them."
11 years ago
nods a little. "M'sure the Blue King'll reward ye greatly..." He closed his eyes, putting his attention back to his breathing.
11 years ago
seriously doubted that. If anything she would face harsh punishment for violating orders assuming she even survived this. She pulls up into a clearing and stops the car.
11 years ago
bit his cheek as he kept looking out the window, almost not wanting to leave the car. "Fanden..."
11 years ago
takes a breath before stepping out of the car and walking to the backseat, opening the door for him.
11 years ago
took a moment before looking at the ground get getting out. He glanced around before starting to walk to a small opening between some trees.
11 years ago
shuts the door and follows him, grabbing his cuffs. "Stop."
11 years ago
did so again, and made it easy for her to take the cuffs off. "Be gentle. I gotta go out without any marks."
11 years ago
pulls out her hilt. "I can't promise that." She uncuffs him and extends her sword at her side. Once it's at it's full size, she pulls a microchip off of it and smashes it on the ground.
11 years ago
smiled when he saw that and rubbed his wrists. "Are we all alone now? No tracker or anythin'?"
11 years ago
nods. "You also cannot operate the car without it. We are alone." She turns to face him, holding her sword at the ready.
11 years ago
nods at that as he turned his back to her and looked around. "It'll be a long walk back for ye. But at least ye can say I destroyed the car."
11 years ago
"I do not intend to leave you here alive."
11 years ago
nods. "I know that. But I don't intend to take ye with me. So go."
11 years ago
growls under her breath. "I cannot risk leaving you here." She tightens her grip on the sword and starts moving towards him.
11 years ago
shot her a glance. "I told ye. I don't intend to take ye with me. Besides..." He looked up to the sky, chewing his lip. "Only a King can kill another King."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Or if you expend too much energy in a fight, right?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja. But my sword is so damaged, that all I gotta do is release one large attack. After that..." He took a slow breath. "I'll come fallin' down. And ye better not be in the area."
11 years ago
had expected a fight or for the Red King to instantly attack once he figured out her plans. She narrows her eyes before taking a swing at him.
11 years ago
made a sound as he felt her sword get him. He just looked down to her and held his arms out to the side.
11 years ago
pulls her sword back. "If I do not die at your hand I will surely die for my transgressions. I am prepared to die to protect my clan."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Despite Ludwig bein' mad at ye, he'll be happy that he didn't have to do this himself. To be responsible for killin' yer love would just make him deteriorate quickly."
11 years ago
growls. "And yet you asked that of him and put him through the struggle of seeing someone he loves dying. I have violated his orders. If I go back unable to say for certain that you are dead, it will have been-
11 years ago
pointless. I am prepared for this and will be more than happy to die for them."
11 years ago
sighed a bit. "What if I gave ye solid proof that'd prove to him I was dead?" He didn't think she deserved to die because of his stupid actions.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "How am I supposed to prove that you are dead if you have not yet died?"
11 years ago
stepped closer to her as he undid something around his neck. "He knows I never take this off. Once ye have it, and get to a safe distance, I'll finish the rest." He handed her a necklace with the
11 years ago
Nordic cross on it. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep any tears from falling. "He got me that early on when we were together. He'll know the significance of it."
11 years ago
watches him closely. "Are you sure you will be able to...?"
11 years ago
nods. "I'll need a bit of yer help, but when I tell ye... ye can go. I'll hold back until ye're outta range." He smiled a little as he looked to the ground. "This is the least I can do for him, and ye."
11 years ago
sighs. "You don't have to do this..."
11 years ago
nods at that. "I can't think of any other way..." He held his arms out again. "Cut, slash, stab, whichever. Do what ye want. Just make sure ye bring the necklace back to yer King."
11 years ago
steps back. "You still will not renounce?" She tucks the necklace into a pouch and watches him.
11 years ago
bit his lip and took a deep breath. "As much as I love Ludwig... my pride is too great to just renounce. I don't know what I'd do without it, so essentially it's the same as dyin'..." He chuckled a bit. "Just
11 years ago
without the fire and glory."
11 years ago
nods slowly and grips her sword. "What do you need me to do?"
11 years ago
closed his eyes. "Just attack me enough so that I won't be able to move after I release the attack. It'll make it quicker for the sword to fall that way..."
11 years ago
watches him in silence before raising her sword. She hesitates a moment before swinging at him, watching to see if he tries to block.
11 years ago
didn't move too much. He did flinch when he was hit and cursed, his hands quickly coming forward and heating enough for fire to surround them.
11 years ago
glances at the fire and frowns a little as she takes a swing at his arm.
11 years ago
blocked it with his forearm which he covered in his aura. He cursed again and took a few steps back ."Fanden..."
11 years ago
sighs under her breath and makes a series of blows against him, ignoring the aura for now.
11 years ago
did his best to not block all the blows, but this wasn't what he was used to. He had never given in to battle before, an this whole idea seemed useless now.
11 years ago
takes a step back. "I have a better idea..." She starts to shift, transforming into a snake with a paralyzing poison. It would make it more difficult to get out of the area but she knew it would be hard on him-
11 years ago
to keep taking the attacks.
11 years ago
bit his cheek again at that but nodded. "That is a better idea..." He crouched down and held out his arm to make it easy for her. He just hoped his reactions wouldn't be fast enough to hurt her by trying to rip
11 years ago
her off after he was bitten.
11 years ago
slither towards him and raises her body, quickly latching onto his arm with her fangs and preparing herself for the reaction as she poisons him.
11 years ago
yelled out and tried his best not to react, but after a moment his aura heated up and surrounded him. He grabbed her mouth and pinched to try and get her off without hurting her too much, but ended up tossing
11 years ago
her further and harder than he wanted. He could feel his pulse pick up and held his arm close to his chest, his hand gripping the bite mark.
11 years ago
winces as she lands, her image faltering before changing back to her normal form. She clutches her arm and tries to ignore the pain as she glances back at him.
11 years ago
felt the effects soon, thanks to his pulse racing. He stepped back enough to hit a tree and slowly slid down it until he was sitting. His arm hurt a bit, but soon it fell to his lap. He would almost consider
11 years ago
this relaxing if he knew it wasn't to help kill him.
11 years ago
struggles a little to stand up but walks a bit towards him. "Will this be enough?"
11 years ago
looked to her and smiled. "Ja... tak. It feels good, too..." He clutched his hands a bit. "I just hope I can finish the job..."
11 years ago
frowns faintly. "Maybe try to sleep?" She starts to take a few steps away from him, preparing to run if she had to.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I gotta try and use as much energy as I can... s'the only way to make the sword fall... but..." He chuckled quietly and closed his eyes. "I'm so fuckin' tired now. It feels great, too..."
11 years ago
watches him closely. "If you need anything else... Well, now is the time to ask."
11 years ago
held his hand open in front of him, getting a small flame to appear. "Maybe..." He opened his eyes a bit and looked to her. "How often can ye transform?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It depends. It is easy for me to transform into creatures my size and more difficult the smaller or larger they are."
11 years ago
nods a bit at that. "How much energy does it take to change into a snake? And does it hurt ye to bite someone? As long as they don't throw ye, that is."
11 years ago
"It depends on the size of the snake. It's not too difficult, I can sustain even a small snake for at least a few minutes and it doesn't hurt to bite."
11 years ago
hums. "Right..." He let his hand fall and closed his eyes again. "Just to be safe, get a good distance away from here... I don't wanna risk hurtin' ye more..."
11 years ago
nods slowly and starts to back away from him slowly before turning around. "Good bye..."
11 years ago
smiled as he heard her walk away. "Farvel..." It didn't take long for him to fall asleep after that.
11 years ago
hoped that he would expel energy in his sleep but was glad that he had fallen asleep. She didn't want him to suffer for too long. After a few steps, she shifts into the form of a wild cat and starts running-
11 years ago
away from him, heading for a hill a distance away. She knew he might not last long but she wanted to keep an eye out to make sure.
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