Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
Just finished the draft listings for tonight's mega update. It's been awhile since I've taken that many pictures.
latest #6
11 years ago
OMG. Are there any of those Stargate SG-1 bags, or was that a one-time thing?
11 years ago
'cause I really, really, reeeeally want one.
Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
smilingturtle: there'll be one in the update and a couple notions bags. But I probably won't have more for a long time.
WoolyLove says
11 years ago
Yippee!!! That's a big bin!
smilingturtle says
11 years ago
I got it I got it I got it!
smilingturtle is
11 years ago
so happy!
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