11 years ago
We are officially open for business!
latest #78
11 years ago
Enjoy your stay in paradise while you can~
oh my!
fffff as it took me forever to put up my ooc intro.
11 years ago
Oh man I'm creeped out already. I love it. XD
Cold XC
11 years ago
11 years ago
Hnnnghhhhh, so excited!
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
SkylaDoragono: Lmao /pets
11 years ago
and here I am busy telling my muse that he has a boyfriend and not to crush on the mysterious voice that welcomed them
Can we reply to that welcome message, or is it a broadcast then shut off?
11 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
I have one muse who's skeptical and the other is probably going to freak out.
11 years ago
well you can totally comment
ahahaha got it! thanks <3
11 years ago
valecia: freak outs are totally appropriate
11 years ago
i have someone that will freak out with your someone
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
chosenofmana: Let's!
…oh man, just got an idea. //brb
Ami will probably be quietly observing in the background and playing calm voice of reason
if anyone needs a calm voice of reason XD
N01 is
11 years ago
this Ami like Sailor Moon Ami? Because seeing SM made me happy dance :|
It is!
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
xD I would love Ami's CR~
I am probably tagging around either later tonight or tomorrow :3
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
I have a level-headed bounty hunter for her :3c
let us have much awesome cr. always feel free to point me places, too
11 years ago
Feel free to use the update post for plotting and well guys!
I don't even know who's who yet largely, sob. XD
11 years ago
Welp! Then you're officially in the book as one of my new Gods for playing SM.
11 years ago
Oh sorry, I play Matt and Belphegor
11 years ago
as even
Yay I'm a god! :-D
She is my favorite ever. Have to admit that.
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
waterfell: Valecia here (I have Sven and Ryuuji)
i should plurk add people /sagenod
11 years ago
Waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day I used to play from SM so seeing it still up and around is really awesome lol I can't wait to see her in action!
11 years ago
Feel free at your leisure, or anyone at their leisure. I don't bite often.
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
Often? o_o'
smoon will never die. it's getting new canon as we speak. and later this winter yet again.
11 years ago
Oh man alive. I'm afraid if I watch I'll end up like my DN muses lol too many. OK! I swear I won't make this about Sailor Moon XD haha <333
I used to play Misa. I feel you on DN, too. And please, make everything about Sailor Moon :3
I will gladly babble about Smoon on AIM with you forever if you want to trade names.XD
oh poop I haven't done my app
11 years ago
:3 sure, it's N01speshul if you'd like to contact me. I just now intro'ed in the ooc comm like a derp since I forgot earlier.
11 years ago
10778438: do all the appppsss everrrrrrr come joiinnnn next round~ hypnotizy fingers
11 years ago
10778438: Apps will reopen again around the end of the month so you have time for next round!
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago of my characters wont be on the network anytime soon sob and probably going to go to the log for him. :v where's the um... who where what thing? xD I feel silly for writing a mini novel there. //goes to hide in a corner now.
11 years ago
valecia: we're setting up an open log post for everyone if you would like to use that instead :3c
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
Oh yes. I would prefer that actually xD
Shirt Strippeur
11 years ago
:v Might I add you too? <///<
I thought it was full daylight for two weeks, then full night for two weeks?
11 years ago
shanatic: Yes it is
Oh. Okay, the log confused me.
11 years ago
chosenofmana: oh...hahah you...can't put the night yet
11 years ago
Sorry, but the night will come in two weeks
Yes I should have tracked you guys or summat. /was the Ronald Knox reserve
11 years ago
Thank you! I thought that was pretty clear from the Day oo1 update, there will be a Night 001 update later
11 years ago
Honest mistake :3 I almost made it myself <<
11 years ago
11 years ago
XD I flailed real hard and when I flail I fail lol. So it's all good we can be in the flail corner xD
11 years ago
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