10 years ago
NEW MANAGEMENT-- sorry, this is a long time coming (aka I should've plurked this like over a week ago) but forgive. So yeah, there's a new boss at Epilogue. Again.
latest #7
10 years ago
This time-- i'm so, so... so sorry. it's Dean Winchester. Played by Sae. Me.
10 years ago
So few things out of the way-- tonight (the 9th), Dean is going to put up a public post acknowledging that he was left Epilogue (as well as that he acquired a separate business), giving any employees a
10 years ago
chance to talk to him/an out if they aren't comfortable working for him. I'll be linking that post on this plurk.
10 years ago
At any point before or after or during then, you can contact me oocly at either my personal plurk (itsonlyforever) or AIM (the endless boy)
10 years ago
Please let me know if there are any questions/comments/concerns and again, sorry this took too long. I'll also look into putting up a monthly open Epilogue post like you folks are used to..... tho I'll have to
10 years ago
look into how those were formatted etc. /o/
Oh! Since this plurk is set to an email that isn't mine and I am too lazy to make a spare, if you need me, plz ping this account??? I'll also try to Like every epilogue plurk so I'll definitely keep up with 'em
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