cait sidhe
11 years ago
I am stuipdly tired and out of it and not even sure I want to be doing tomorrow or this weekend or...anything. But I paid for everything, so htere'sno backing out now.
latest #15
11 years ago
I'm sorry. <3
agent. is
11 years ago
there anything I can do t oeither make things easier or you, or... soemthing, I dunno?
cait sidhe
11 years ago
No, not really.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
I'm just...not really doing well. I'll get over it or something.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
I'm going to jut probably wind up either staying in the hotel room until I can get myself out of the funk or finding a spot in the hotel to camp out at until I can rememher how to be a person.
11 years ago
curls around and loves i'm sorry the timing sucks.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
cait sidhe
11 years ago
Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm not sure.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
But I'm just not...I don't know. Okay. Functioning. Aware enough. Lots of words and none of them quie fit.
11 years ago
Yeah. I understand. <3
11 years ago
Hopefully tomorrow things are better. And either way i love you and will see oyu then.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
cait sidhe
11 years ago
Man, you and I need to just...pass out in a corner for like two days.
TsinganiFlower says
11 years ago
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