ImaRangSL says
11 years ago
Someone jumped off my TL and I had not even had a chance to offend them yet...what gives? (LOL)
latest #9
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
You're a pro. I want to learn all of your tricks :-)
ImaRangSL says
11 years ago
The only real trick I have is breathing and sustaining life despite the wishes of many that I not. :-P
11 years ago
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
Perhaps it's my training, I don't know, but the only people I have muted is inworld, and those are spammers that didn't unsubscribe me (from what I didn't subscribe in the first place), and alts [...]
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
used to send me hundreds of inventory requests, trying to annoy me.
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
Apart than those obvious cases, I see no reason to block someone nor I feel offended by the existence of everybody else, no matter how despicable they can be.
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
So using the same reasoning, if I start following someone here, the only reason to stop doing so is if the spam is insufferable.
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
ImaRangSL says
11 years ago
Indeed. Perhaps the jumper left Plurk. I don't have many TL friends so when a plurker goes is obvious ;-)
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