Carah says
15 years ago
curiosity killed the cat
latest #7
iamben says
15 years ago
Carah says
15 years ago
在很多西方人眼里,猫 (cat) 是好奇心 (curiosity) 和神秘 (mystery) 的象征。当人们讲Curiosity killed the cat. 时,其实不是真的讲好奇心把猫杀死了,而是说好奇心可能使自己丧命的
iamben says
15 years ago
我也看到了这个... 可是接受不了这解释... 应该还是典故的
Carah says
15 years ago
thx ele (LOL)
iamben says
15 years ago
我是连wikipedia的都不buy... 总觉得还有....
elements says
15 years ago
I presume u wonder how Ben Jonson came up with these words? well, you can get a cat and watch then you'll see why (LOL)
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