That's an awesome idea!
Well, how many people will be accepted?
thinking about doing a limited 51, but I love this idea so much! Great thinking!
This sounds so cute, there used to be an event like this a few years back but it was for adult clothing and avis, this one is cute tho!
I love the idea! I just don't want to be in an event with too many other designers.
TyrRozenblum: good thinking… I didn't even think of that lol yes, but the popular items sell out in the first hour leaving those who cant make it with no opportunity to get them.
Personally love the idea and hope that it takes off.
The 24 hours concept would give them more of a chance to get the items they wanted while still adding an air or limitvity to it.
Why should people miss out because they hold down jobs with hours that dont allow them to stay up all night and wait or hours where they are at work when it opens?
A limtied time frame does make it a limited item, because only so many people will buy the product and after the 24 hours is up that it, its retired.
Well it feels special to those who live in a time zone that is awake to buy it, to the rest of the people in other time zones it feels crappy.
TyrRozenblum: i dixxie gets her ur gets 2 be my plurk grandbaby
8am CST all the popular items are pretty much gone..bad luck you miss out :/ the idea behind the '24' hour thing is to give people a chance
It could be cool if it was something maybe like a limited 48 hour event, the first 24 hours you set out one limited color for sale, or item, then the next 24 hours you set out another version
or it's a rotation, first 24 hours its one group of stores, then the next 24 hours another round of stores
so people have to keep their eyes on the event to know when things are coming out
Just an idea, probs would be confusing or a clusterfuck :3
Now this stuff is confusing me lol.... Regardless, IM me or give me a NC with the app! MadeleineEvans
I like the idea, however, I wish you wouldn't have thrown Limited 50 under the bus in your promotion... especially considering you are a Limited 50 designer.
Well i do understand from a consumer stand point the frustration a lot of people feel because of the time zone issue.
LOL and trust me nothing crankier then a shopper who can't spend their money when they want.
Soooo I'm confused. You have 24 hours to sell an item? But no real limit to how many? Does really make it limited, more a flash sale. I'm on the east coast and I woke myself up for limited 50 because I knew
awesome idea
Those items were going to sell fast. Sure it's crazy to do that to myself for a SL item but I love limited shit lol
Well i think when you consider that usually there are between 70 and 80 thousand people on the grid at any given time and if you run for 24 hours and sell 1000 items its still under 1% of the people on the grid
Sorry, just over 1% and for the people who do have to be at work or asleep it at least gives them a window to get the stuff they want.
It also gives the creators the ability to make a bit more.
Personally, I think its a brilliant idea.
i kinda like this, cause every time i've tried to do limited 50 on my little, the item i want has sold out before i can even get on the sim.
I know, I think the idea is awesome. But maybe the name needs a tweak is all
what about the person who only sells 1 or 2 at limited 50? that sucks too
Its also a handy idea for the event coordinators because they only have to have the extra LI for a 24 hours period.
I agree on most of the points made and yes a name tweak would be wonderful if I could think of one...brb my dinner is burning haha
RazzBerryInc: How many people are going to be accepted into this event?
undecided at this moment but we have room for quite a few
yes, the name would be something to work on. but first round is in January so I think we have time to get everything ready n stuff.
it going to be around 50 like woodland gatcha?
jayme, skype lol dont burn the fooood! we all hugery
not sure yet. woodland last round had 66 lol
and as most of you know i am not one to ever start issues or drama i dont leave my store very often i am just upset that i can never be here when limted 50 opens..
i do love limited 50 but i find it unfair to many of us who cannot be here..if that makes me a baby or whatever then oii haha..
im a simple person i just want others to be able to enjoy things
I thought it was more a comparison, not a 'throwing under a bus'
I like this ~ Put the name Maki Shippe down
ok so all in all oi will work on a name change but i really like this idea and would like to go forward with it..if you could send me your name inworld..or on here ill have to figure out #'s though
mind my horrible typing haha im typing on an angle haha
RazzBerryInc: is it limited to 24 or is it sell as many as you can in a 24 hour period. I'm a bit confused
many as you can in 24 hours
its a great event fot all times zones like thay for people who cant stay up all night. waiting till is open or for the ones whi work or ib UK times is amazing. plus if you all have follow us the woodland gatch
turn out amazing and keeps growing each round so this event well be another success
Yah I def like that ideal
what if there was one day where you just sold unlimited items in a 12 hour period.
I like that idea for the name!
Would love to see what you have in mind!
wooooooot!!! this is going to be amazing
yes I'm in
This event is kinda reminding me about how 50L Friday was structured in the beginning. An item is created by participating designers to be available for what is intended as a 24 hour timeframe.
In this case the items are exclusive to the event and not a set price.
Seems like it'll be a nice addition to the family community.
Limited 50 would be awesome if there was a gift option so that people who are't able to be on but have friends that can would not miss out on it.
Plus if all itemss could be no copy and transferable because what good is a limited item if you aren't able to sell it like the rares in the gacha machines?
I like no copy items, i can also transfer them to others if I want to buy them something
That's a really neat idea!
There are no rules about the permissions of items created for Limited 50. Talk to your fav designers if you'd prefer to have the items transfer. It's really up to them on that matter.
I don't like the idea of a limited item being transfer because there are people that would take advantage of being able to sell it and do so at a much higher price. That's not fair to the creators.
This sounds like a great idea! Dashgilman Resident!
GlitterBug: I agree
after being the arcade enough and seeing how people at yardsales take advantage it's quiet disheartening
I would think maybe work with Limited 50 though and maybe try to do something like increase the number and maybe change the opening time. OR have 2 separate opening times? Or something. I dunno
^ that's a good suggestion
I.E Limit 50 at Midnight and then at a more convenient time for those who work overnights/european can be another limited 25 or so if it is sold out within the first few hours
<--- can possibly help script that
I wish the limited 50 script allowed people to gift to others.
i think that would make it even more fun and draw more people in
Yea a gifting option would help a lot. Some ppl get a friend to log on for them but not everyone has someone they trust enough to do that
naminaeko: I can see if there is any way the person who wrote the new script could figure that in. I'm not sure how advanced something like that would be.
I know it would be super hard, but being able to do limit 2 per customer lol or something so that 1 person doesn't buy like 10
Dashleyanne: Well, if I were to see about getting the gift option written in I probably wouldn't limit the number you could gift. IMO that would border unfair, no offense
I'm not disagreeing with your reasoning just think in the bigger picture... if they were able to gift there shouldn't be restriction on that.
I don't see why the number purchased has to be limited. the limited/exclusive part of it comes from only having 24 hours to buy it before its no longer for sale anywhere.
I would love an application for Noodles, please! - Darla Domenici in-world.
i was just sad that when i get to pin limited 50 half the stuff is already sold out
cause it opens at my 7 am and i can´t pin it cause rl work
and i only have it out around sl noon and most stuff is already gone