11 years ago
i wish i had my own flat so i wouldn't have to worry about others and if they don't like the music i wish to play
latest #17
11 years ago
being a conscientious dormmate is hard
11 years ago
and not very fun
You don't have to give a shit about what your roommate wants and doesn't want.
11 years ago
don't mock my suffering
11 years ago
i kind of do have to give a shit, set a good example and all
You think I give a flying fuck what my roommate wants? They learn to adjust.
Ain't that right stomps?
11 years ago
my situation's probably a bit different than yours
11 years ago
but christ i'm bored
Bollocks to that! A roommate's a flatmate's a dormmate. All the same thing in the end. All stuck in the same living space with them. All going to wind up finding the other's masturbation sock at some point.
It is what it is.
11 years ago
hopefully that last part happens later, not sooner
11 years ago
this is why i can't room with anyone, i'd set that on fire
11 years ago
just for laughs, really
11 years ago
and then later when they go to try to relieve themselves all they find is ashes
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