10 years ago
heard his brother was around.
latest #76
10 years ago
slides up behind him and squeezes him into a tight hug. "Hermano~! It feeels like it's been a long time!" : )
10 years ago
squirms at the hug. "Oi, irmão..." He breathes out, turning around to face him and tug at his eyes and cheeks. "Well, at least you have been eating alright, you look healthy enough..."
Antonio gives
10 years ago
him a golden smile. "I always eat well." He studies him over and pats his muscular chest before sliding his hands over his shoulder and then up and down his
10 years ago
arms. "Still as muscular as always~" His smile turns a little more nostalgic.
10 years ago
sighs. "I.. apparently so." He faintly remembers times when he had a belly well. He eyes his brother, then hugs him tight. "It's great to see you again. You must tell me the news."
10 years ago
hums hugging him back and nuzzling against him a bit. "Si~ But! Over some coffee." He says releasing Gabriel to motion for the other to follow.
10 years ago
slaps his butt just not to lose the habit as he follows the other, hands on his pockets and lighting up a cigarette. "Sure, coffee is always welcome... Especially if you're treating it."
10 years ago
laughs at the slap and punches him lightly and affectionately on the arm. "I'm not made of money you know. But for you, hermano, I can spare some for coffee." Well, he probably couldn't but if he didn't look
10 years ago
it was like he did have money, right?
10 years ago
sighs. "It's only some coffee...." He frowns a bit as he makes himself comfortable on the kitchen, taking a seat as he smokes.
10 years ago
hated coming off so cheap. He's humming to himself as he starts to prepare everything only turning around when he has to wait for the actual coffee. "I never asked you how you were doing?" He looks almost
10 years ago
horrified by his inconsideration.
10 years ago
laughs, waving a hand. "Same of always, same old... I've been smoking, taking care of my rooster, and... yeah." He blinks, flushing as he wonders on how to quite tell his brother about his recent relationship.
10 years ago
hums with a smile as he turns back around to ready both their coffees. He brings both mugs to the table placing one in front of Gabriel and using the mug to warm his hands even though it wasn't that cold but
10 years ago
cold enough. "That sounds great! Have you gone sailing in a while?"
10 years ago
nods. "Yes, mostly alone, though... But of course. With the current political stress, and the vindima coming, it's only natural."
10 years ago
nods at that. "At least you don't have Inglaterra breathing down your neck because of Gibraltar...." He didn't remember the ocean being owned by anyone.
10 years ago
smiles softly. "He isnt that bad...." He murmurs, shaking his head and laughing softly. "What about you? Still dying over bulls?"
10 years ago
cracks a bigger smile. "I'll have you know they're quite docile. when you're not fighting them or taking part in the running of the bulls. Bulls are great animals."
10 years ago
hums. "Hmm , right... Still, take care." He finishes his cigarette, tossing it on an improvised ashtray and reaching for some butter cookies next.
10 years ago
frowns at that as he cleans it up. He had smoked once too but had stopped the habit a less than a century ago. He hums with a smile. "I'm always careful." Biggest understatement of the year.
10 years ago
stares at him judgingly as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Right, and I'm Rome's biggest fan." He rolls his eyes, warming his hands a bit. "Listen to your brother, will you?"
10 years ago
laughs guiltily at the stare, his hands up as if he were red handed. "No puedo cambiar lo que soy." He smiles as he lowers his hands and returns to sipping his coffee.
10 years ago
smiles at that. "Sit down, you idiot." He laughs, sipping his coffee. "Other than our blantant lack of money and our mad children, how are you?"
10 years ago
can't deny either of those. "I'm not bad. It's getting chilly." He pouts a bit at that. "I miss the Madrid summer."
10 years ago
pouts. "Winter is here... But doesn't mean I like it." He groans, shaking his head. "It'll soon be too cold to be outside, damn."
Antonio is
10 years ago
glad he still has Mallorca. "There's always Morocco."
10 years ago
snickers. "There is, if he still isn't holding a grudge... Well, that's my business." He grins, bumping his forehead against his brother's. He missed doing that.
10 years ago
laughs and nuzzles his nose against his brothers affectionately. "We can always visit Brazil or Mexico." Or Argentina or Chile, or Trinidad many....
10 years ago
snickers. "With the world cup coming I'd be careful..." He smiles, nuzzling their foreheads together. "Trinidad could work."
10 years ago
grins. "Remember last world cup. I'm going to make sure that happens again."
10 years ago
frowns. "Not if I get there first... If not me, then my son will." He adds proudly, tilting his chin up. "Bring it on, brother."
10 years ago
pulls back and gives him a very competitive grin. "I'll bring it hard! You never have to worry about that." There was definitely a glint in his eyes.
10 years ago
nods quietly. "I'll wait for it." He answers, serious, before going back to his coffee.
10 years ago
's grin turns back into a smile. "I'll make sure you don't wait to long."
10 years ago
laughs at that, amused at his brother's confidence.
10 years ago
pats and squeezes his knee smiling the whole time.
10 years ago
shifts his knee away, a bit ticklish, and huffs, drinking the rest of his coffee.
10 years ago
notices this and persists by reaching forward to try and tickle him. He has an innocent smile on, but it was clear that it was far from innocent.
10 years ago
groans and pushes him away. "Saia, tonho!"
10 years ago
chuckles. "You should just play along, hermano."
10 years ago
pouts. "No." He cuts the other's fun short, frowing angrily.
10 years ago
10 years ago
looks a little hurt as he sits back down. "Why are you such a spoil sport..."
10 years ago
smiles a bit and pats his head. "Because..."
10 years ago
pouts at him. "I haven't seen you in forever..."
10 years ago
rolla his eyes and pulls him in close to ruffle his hair, kissing his forehead. "You do know I hate tickles, though... Here, I haven't kicked you out yet, you're welcome enough."
10 years ago
laughs. "Kicked me out of my own place? Gabriel! You're to kind. Whatever will I do with such a benevolent brother."
10 years ago
rolls his eyes pointedly at stares at him, blinking lazily. "What will I do with you, actually... Is there a bed for me here, still? I'll stay for the night."
10 years ago
grins at him. "You will love me and give me attention when I need it. You also won't get angry when I beat you in football again. And, so, I do have that extra bed but I never mind sharing like in the past."
10 years ago
shivers. "You're always too clingy in bed... But fine. So be it." He huffs, rolling his eyes pointedly at all his requests, but smiling nonetheless. It was good to have his pesky younger brother back. "Sure..."
10 years ago
pouts a bit but smiles. "I thought you liked that I kept you warm~" He's never really deterred by his brother's grumpiness.
Gabriel has
10 years ago
to smile and laugh at that, shaking his head. "Not in summer..."
10 years ago
can understand that. "Well! Good thing it's winter."
10 years ago
crosses his arms, pausing like 'are you serious?' before he just laughs loudly. "Alright, we'll share a bed! You're hopeless." He facepalms, trying not to laugh at his brother.
10 years ago
looks ecstatic. "I prefer hopeless romantic."
10 years ago
taps his face. "That... is not something you'll get out of my lips. You're standable, and that's as close to a love confession you'll have, dear brother." He grins a little.
10 years ago
pouts again. "So mean." Although he wasn't at all hurt.
10 years ago
pokes his pout and goes to fetch himself some water. "So pouty."
10 years ago
laughs at that. "It's your fault really."
10 years ago
laughs back. "Oh yes, because I'm so evil!" He grins a bit more, flicking some water on his brother.
10 years ago
smiles at that. "Hmm, evil wouldn't be the word I'd use...maybe passionate with misplaced intentions."
10 years ago
raises one eyebrows. "Such fancy words brothers... Was it Austria who taught them to you?" He teases, sipping on the water. "I almost can't tell what they mean."
10 years ago
laughs. "I don't always act stupid." He nudges Gabriel a bit.
10 years ago
ignores and walks over to the living room, making himself comfortable in the couch. "Just most times."
10 years ago
cleans everything before joining him in the living room.
10 years ago
waits for him, then pats his side on the couch, setting the glass aside.
10 years ago
smiles and takes a seat beside him. "Tell me what you've been doing to keep yourself busy."
10 years ago
hums. "Talking to people, working, sending doctors to my son... Visiting my children. The usual."
10 years ago
hums nodding and taking it all in. "How is Brazil?"
10 years ago
nods. "Alright, he is... Only speaks of his summer and world cup, but he's alright."
Antonio was
10 years ago
really looking forward to the World Cup. It was going to be a good one and he wanted to make sure the predictions of Ludwig's team winning wasn't about to come true. "He still has a lot of preparing to do
10 years ago
before it begins."
10 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Says you... the boy has won the thing five times already, I'd say he's better than us." He huffs, because family pride was a thing and he raised Brazil to do better than lose to his brother.
10 years ago
laughs. "I meant in preparing his country for us. Not in training."
10 years ago
ruffles his hair. "Your ego will kill you one of these days, brother, and I've warned you of that before...."
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