Dear fucking sweet god ow
woke up in worlds of pain from all fucking types of cramps
I knew I should have taken those god damned pills before i went to nap but i have trouble taking them with water and that's all we have
tmi portion of this is you have to fucking hate it when there's god damned blood everywhere on top of the pain and it's like son of a bitch no, stop that ugh.
the one thing i've always fucking hated about being a girl it's not god damned worth it
I never intend to use this damned thing so why must it make me suffer
I would rather die than get pregnant, body stop that
I have a very low pain tolerance
I can barely take a shot without flinching
one of those just leave me hear to die moments
i want life to just be over
if your cramping and bleeding is that bad, have you been worked up for endometriosis?
it can be a valid reason to have the useless organ cut out
I don't think it's that since it doesn't happen everytime. But sometimes, it hurts so fucking bad i've taken two 800 ib profens at once
Recently I've been getting lucky(?) and i've skipped it entirely due to stress
Only good thing about too much stress, it decides to fuck right off and just not come
but it's been a while since i've woken up with it hurting so bad
I think because normally I have a constant supply of Ibs and go through them like fucking candy, but i only have very few now and don't take as many unless I absolutely have to
cause that shit's gotta last now
but they're just the regular 200 ones
lost access to the 600 and 800s when i moved out from my mom's place
I still recommend getting it checked out because that is very wrong. take the lowest effective dose of ibuprofen both because it can increase bleeding and because you don't want to end up with an ulcer
from NSAID use. trust me, I got one.
yeah, i always have to be careful about that so i don't try to take it too much anymore.
I might get it checked out eventually. I've got too much else in line medically first.
I've never really been to the doctor unless I needed prescribed meds for illness that i couldn't get over the counter or shots for school
I haven't seen a doctor since... middle school i think?
I went to an emergency care center about a year ago because i fell into a bad anxiety attack at work, but that was it
they told me to go see a doctor for it after giving me a prescription for 20 pills but i never did
So i'll pull through it with pain killers for now and put it on my to-do list