They would have made their first landing on the 25th, due to a directional change to start heading East after Dirk talked to Maggie about the new supply port.
In the south east they'd be landing on Marble-Tear island, which if they'd all gone exploring on it, would have gotten them each a shitton of treasure
and probably a good few injuries if they weren't careful around the weeping angel, though i figure Dirk probably got hit first with it
Which we could put a log up for if anyone wants to go grave looting/angel fighting
And after an entire day of seeming out of it on the first, Dirk would propose a few of them being sent back to one of the ships headed back to Isla Empieza if they'd want to hide out for a week and
help out any of hte new ones who arrive to make sure the navy doesn't snag them
a week to make sure by the time they come out of hiding, if they need to send back up after them then the Nav will be ready by then
Because he'd rather not risk their ship going back there since it's not meant to be a battle ship and he'd rather not risk it getting sunk by navy ships at the port thanks
Well that's no fun
They can fight to their heart's content so long as they don't get caught before the 8th when the newbies are supposed to start showing up
Main objective is to fight the navy and make sure none of the ones who have no fucking idea what's going on get hurt or captured
Hachiken will babysit the ship o7
Which. Dirk of course will be going with them, but partway through if he runs into his bro, he'll be bailing the fuck out back to the ship and leaving the rest of them with Sawtooth to watch their backs
Debating who he'd be telling to stay behind with Hachiken. Probably Ihrie, because having both the captain and the first mate out fighting without either of them on the ship is a bad idea.
and more than likely one other too
Hachiken can clean up while he's gone, keep busy XD
...You know, probably should have done this in the first comment.
i....think i got that right
If they don't hang around Marble Tear Island for long, by the third they should be docked at Port Chance finally, which is where Maggie told him they'd be able to stock up on supplies.
So he might wait until they're in Port Chance before sending anyone back
Ah lovely! I was going to inquire on these very topics tomorrow, seems you beat me to it :3
Need to roll to see how Codi fares with the angels, but I'm not going to knock her around too much on her first day out.
and if she wants bonus points she could get inured the same time dirk does, seeing something coming down at him if she'd try to push him out of the way and they both get fucked up by it
He'd take the brunt of it to make sure she doesn't get too hurt just for trying to give him a hand, if that's something you'd wanna play with
She'll definitely go to Empieza if she can help it, though--and remain disguised in her dumb hero getup while she's there.
He'd take her to Isla Empieza if only because he doesn't want to hear her complain if she can't go
One of the reasons he's going herself, to make sure she doesn't get in trouble
...yeah she rolled low enough to try the meatshield thing. It's a plan, then!
He'll also be taking Amelia, either Rider or Tsukuyo, depending on who wants to come and who wants to stay behind, and more than likely bringing Leo too
So the ones staying behind in Port Chance with the Ship would more than likely be Hachiken, Ihrie, and either Rider or Tsukuyo
I'll be having him make a post to see which ships are headed back that way shortly before they make port, just to set up plans on who's going and who's stayin
They'd probably split up anyway, they'd just be part of the siege against the navy that Ace'll probably be leading i think. if that info goes public
lmao Dirk would have a nope the hell out. Even though. They're going to be needing to get a new one soon if they keep getting crew members
The only issue is that the Sinewave is built for speed, not for battle.
But depending if they pick up more this round, he might swap them out for a bigger one at Port Chance since that seems like the best place to get a new ship
yeah, out running was the idea. but they're two away from the max of the ship's crew limit
so they'll need more space sooner rather than later
don't take leo on anything that requires subtlety
lmfao Yeah Dirk. Has figured that out. if they do head out early and have to lay low and quiet a few days, he probably won't let her out of his sight.
Also. So, Marble-Tear island log, everyone interested?
It'll be backdated to the 25th, maybe the 24th to give them a rest before the Turkey incident on the 26th
Ihrie will stay with the ship. And all for Marble Tear log
He might just leave Ihrie and Hachiken behind, if Tsu and Rider both want to go. Port Chance is pretty chill, they shouldn't have to worry too much about an attackc there
This is gonna be pretty interesting!
Sneaking in a militarily occupied port will certainly bring out a much more serious side of Amelia than she's displayed so far.
although she'd sorta hoped her war days were behind her but no such luck
That's cool with me. It'll give Ihrie and Hachiken time to get to know each other. Might want to leave the little bot with them so they don't have to stay on the ship the whole time.
Inns are nice luxuries Ihrie doesn't get to stay in often enough
Yeah, Squarewave wil be staying on the ship no matter what
Especically because if they need to get a message to dirk, it's faster than the journals because it can go directly to his shades from Squarewave
Reaffirming that I am in favor of all of these things, now that it's not 2 a.m. and I am conscious! o7
Also fun fact. Dirk's birthday is in a few days.
Might add on a side to the end of the log for anyone who wants to find Dirk spacing the fuck out on the first. Because the first was Jake's birthday and he had had plans for his boyfriends birthday.
and then they had a horrible break up
Hey Ihrie can be accidentally completely insensitive about it too
he's used to insensitivity, it's cool. he doesn't really want anyone to know anyway.
She's great at being accidentally insensitive
Hopefully she'll have her chance to actually get to him one day soon. because Dirk's big bro could be joining them and it's a very touchy subject for dirk
If he manages to piss her off or, heaven forbid, make any kind of insinuation that she's just 'one of the guys' she will blow up at him.
She is the most insensitive when she's angry.
lmao honestly there's no way to call her one of the guys when the only guys around mostly are him and Hachiken so lucky there
i think Itachi's just on the crew from the 19th to the 24th, not sure if he plans to return after that or stay on the charming murderess with sasuke
It's just canon for her to be mistaken as a guy since she's very tomboyish and not particularly pretty or well endowed. And she flips her shit when it happens
XD Dirk's a closet brony, he can't say jack
If my friend ends up apping Karkat, Ihrie may very well walk in on two teenage boys watching a show about magical talking ponies on a laptop since dirk's a dork and has all the eps downloaded
and arguing about which pony is better and why
She will be so weirded out by that
The only way Rider is going to go on what what she sees as a good Samaritan rescue mission is if you pay her fat stacks of cash to do it.
I'm down with doing something organized for the Angel if other people are.
Alternatively, I'm down with Rider being ecstatic about treasure.
I figure Rider would be the first person to aggro the angel by picking treasure but probably someone else would get hurt in the ambush, because she's fairly lucky.
Calling EX rank Luck 'fairly lucky' is like calling Excalibur 'fairly powerful'
You are correct. She's ridiculously lucky. But she still lost to the protagonist.
Also I think she's drunk enough that she's not going to remember this whole turkey gun chase fight with Irhie.
Of course, Protag-chan had Saber
They could have Archer or Caster. Or now uhhh
I think her bring drunk is the only reason Ihrie can actually pull it off. She can fight well, but she's still just human
Oh yeah no. Rider is _hella_ drunk.
Normally this wouldn't work.
At least Rider is calling her a wench and not something meant for a man. Cause then Ihrie would hurt her
...guys that was beautiful and I love all of you
Huh, thread tracking doesn't seem to be cooperating for me. But yeah, that was amazing XD
Rider can stay in Port Chance and get drunk for all Dirk cares, he's fine with that. also i clearly need to go see what I missed while i was napping
...and Rider being the first one to find the treasure could totally be how Dirk and Codi get fucked up
can I steal dirk's thunder by having leo coldcock the turkey right as he's about to do epic magic?
He just wants the turkey dead as fast as possible without having to chase the damn thing and be further humiliated