you can tell i was raised in the city with how setting a wood fire turned into a confusing and bewildering 20 min process
this almost makes up for me having to shovel my driveway upon getting home just so i could park /sobs
it FINALLY stopped snowing like a few minutes ago but whatever i'm enjoying this
I grew up with one. I miss it ;__;
raised in the city bc i have literally never used a wood stove in my life
IT'S THE CUTEST PART OF MY HOUSE i think it might be the only part which didn't get renovated from the time it was built
my dad actually cut a bunch of trees himself from his property and brought it down in a box for me ,_,
i'm proud i actually... got the fire going........
there have been many failed attempts
HAHA my house is super old, i've lived in two other houses and they definitely did not have wood stoves
we have a wood stove and it's a gift
it heats the whole house in like an hour
YEAH lol my dad made a point of teaching me to light the stove and getting out my heating bill just to show me the savings i could be having sdkj
it smells gorgeous tho i'm not complaining