[RL][Medical shit]
latest #18
So i went to a doctor today, finally. Talked to her for about ....twenty minutes? fifteen to twenty
She prescribed me some antidepressants called Lexapros and gave me another prescription of my lorazepan but.
the lexapro cost too much.
Hell, it was more expensive than the doctor apointment was
So we may not be able to afford it
My mom called the doctor from the pharmacy, and they're gonna call the pharmacy to see if there's something she can do about it
But that'll be about an h our before we head back and find out
I hope they can work something out for you. ;;
trying to figure out some coupon thing for it
11 years ago
perhaps there's a different brand of the same thing?
this was the cheapest brand, that's why we tried to get in touch with the doctor. But this thing i found says it'd be a coupon to get it at a lower price.
My mom's just. Stuck on hold on the phone now cause she was gonna call and check before we take it up there and she's getting realy frustrated being on hold
11 years ago
oh darn :< I hope you get it sorted out. I only mentioned it because I am on Cipralex which I think is the same thing and it's half the cost of lexapro here
muppet carols
11 years ago
/hugs tight
muppet carols
11 years ago
That's what I'm supposed to be on. Got my fingers crossed for you, dear.
Good news. I got my pills. They sorted it out cause i found that coupon, and with the combined of my anxiety meds and my anti-depressants, it saved us $86.
It was only $23 combinedtotal, so it worked out.
Luckily, because the doctor insisted on these ones, she didn't want to give me anything else cause she said these would be best
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