milobo says
15 years ago
How do you get teachers talking? Here are 3 of my conversation starter strategies:
latest #7
milobo says
15 years ago
colemama I hadn't seen that one - adding it to my YouTube lists - thanks! Have a link to your YouTube lists?
kwhobbes says
15 years ago
I usually shut them all in a room with the heat up and see what happens.
milobo says
15 years ago
kwhobbes: Hee! For some reason, our district has our inservices on a Friday half-day b4 holidays. Painful & not good for convo starting.
milobo says
15 years ago
colemama Thanks for the link! I had mine scattered across lots of lists, & decided to organize them better. You've got some gems in yours!
kwhobbes says
15 years ago
milobo - we have early dismissal on Mondays so that is when teachers end up in a room talking.
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