Thanks for the information - it's really appreciated.
thanks for letting us know
makes sense if there's no mod interest i guess.
thanks for letting us know.
you guys've done a hell of a job and i had a great time.
Thank you, this has been an absolutely amazing game experience. One of the best I've had in a long time
<3 you guys have been an amazing playerbase, and modding exsilium has been ridiculous fun
Thank you guys for running an amazing game <333
we will make the sendoff fabulous stay stoked
I'm sorry no mod is showing up so far, but isn't there really any way to keep the game going? Maybe wait a little bit longer until mods show up?
thank you so much, you guys <333 for everything
I'm just whining because I love the game. ;_;
But, I understand that modding is a hard job and you guys can't do it alone.
nnnnoooo, but understandable
if i had known that no one else was going to volunteer for a mod...
wow this is really upsetting...
Modding a big game is a LOT of hard work, and you guys have done an excellent job.
Thank you so much for the fun, as little as I got invovled. <3 It's been a blast.
Word. This place has been amazing.
And hte mods have been amazing.
woah... I had no idea there were no sign ups, I figured there'd be a ton who were better qualified than me, this is really sad
oh sadness abounds
Can't we extend sign ups a little longer?
yeah, didn't they only go up a week ago? this seems pretty fast
I would if I didn't have a killer job, honestly.
_realms: I understand them wanting to make the decision to shut it off after a week, though.
If after a week there's zero interest in a job that's going to take 3-4 people?
Aw? But I totally get the reason, if there is nobody to step up and help out. I
Thanks for the head's up!
i think that this is a case of mob mentality in that we all wind up thinking "im sure someone else will volunteer"
i haven't been in this game long, but I've loved every minute of it. Thank you for running a great game.
I do too. I'm just saying that now that people know the situation, maybe an extra week might save the game.
Thanks guys so much for a great run <3
Thanks for everything. I'll do my best to plow through the end.
I'm seconding
_realms 8( is it not possible to extend mod apps a little longer?
it's been the Christmas/New Year/returning to work rush so maybe that affected people's ability to throw in an app, too
If people didn't jump at the chance to be mods in the first place then they clearly don't want to be mods. Why would another week help that.
thanks for all you've done, guys
I understand wanting to bring it to a real resolution... if people sign up or volunteer out of obligation or just a desire to save the game, it might be a disaster.
iamthespacecadet: You're right. It's a LOT of work, especially for a large game.
Thanks for the good run guys and thank you for all your hard work!
And yeah it shouldn't take things hitting this point for someone to step in, sad as I am to see it all go.
Exsilium is larger and faster than Asgard, and the three of us still spend so much time and energy modding that we don't really have time for anything else, haha.
Then they should have applied for the position.
but maybe they were busy with holiday stuff? even our app cycle was super slow this month
Opening it up now might encourage people who want to be mods just to keep the game running... that's not necessarily good for the game.
It's a super hard job and if you're applying just to save the game your heart probably isn't in it and it wouldn't make you happy
Yes, I understand people should have apped before, but yes, holiday stuff and I guess most of us didn't anticipated the situation was that bad.
yeah, and like people mentioned above, in some cases it wasn't for lack of heart so much as confidence/thinking there might be others better suited
yeah. I didn't anticipate that it was so bad they'd have to close the game ASAP
yeah if i had the confidence/experience i might interested in modding
ahhh this is so upsetting :c
i just know next to nothing about it. but i adore this game and i have plenty of free time
I just wish there had been some discussion over this, I don't think any of us knew there was a problem, not even an inkling
Things seemed to be going really well
You didn't anticipate the situation was that bad when you were losing one head mod and they were also asking for three additional helpers? It is a big game and it is hard to mod.
They're making the best choice they can in the situation.
much as i love those of you guys who have expressed interest, as mentioned in ish's resignation post it would take several new mods to be able to keep the game running at the size it's maintaining
There have been plot mod apps before, haven't there? I mean interest wise there doesnt seem to be a lot in running the game WHICH IS TOTALLY FAIR since the game is huge and needs a lot of managing.
Sad to see it go but id rather have an end game than a burn out. :c
Now that the situation is clear, can't you extend it for an extra week?
They called for more, but it never seemed like "we need this or the game will close", or that no one signed up.
I've never seen a game so big have no mod app sign ups, I am honestly really surprised by that.
Because you shouldn't need that pressure to want to apply! If you do then your heart is not in it and it wouldn't help the game.
I can say that, in my case, that I expected people to sign up. I never thought nobody would.
it was said yes, but i think a lot of people didn't feel like there was a huge emphasis on it
im not looking to argue but when i see Exsilium needs your help in order to remain open.
There is a lot of work that keeps this game running, and on its current model, and with its current staff, the game cannot go on like it is. Exsilium needs your help in order to remain open
is what was stated
It didn't say "we're going to close the game in a week or two if no one signs up" though, nor that no one did sign up...
i didn't realize the situation was so bad and honestly i would totally sign up to mod if you guys had the time/energy to train up new people
The point I'm trying to make isn't that the game doesn't need more mods, it does, but that I think everyone thought everyone else was going to sign up and then didn't?
Yes, I apologize for not paying proper attention, but now that we are, maybe an extra week would be nice.
i've never modded before but i'd totally do it
You guys are being really disrespectful to the mods right now. They have clearly put a lot of thought into this and have tried their best and you should respect their wishes.
idk, personally I dont understand why thinking other people are going to do the job is a valid reason not to throw your hat in if you think you'd be good at it but again, i'm not really looking to argue.
so i'll just bow out with my well wishes and thanks to everyone i've played with.
I'm not trying to disrespect their wishes, I just wish there had been a little more in between "hey we want some more mods" and "we're closing the game"
Yes. I just want to thank the mods and players I've had fun tagging with, really.
Same. Thanks again for all your guy's hard work and I am really excited to see what happens from here
I don't wish to be disrespectful, and I apologize. I love the mods. This is an amazing game. And I'm extremely grateful for their work. I'm just asking to keep the apps open for an extra week.
They needed help and they didn't get it after asking, regardless of the reasons the bottom line (in the moment) is what mattered. That no one signed up is the point.
thinking someone else is going to take care of something and therefore not doing anything yourself is a really dangerous thing because it ends up in results like this
Yo guys, emotions are running super high. Maybe all sides sleep on it and come back?
I'm thankful for all that they've done. And I'm just saying that it is honestly surprising to hear that there were absolutely no sign ups.
i've been talking to a few people and it seems most of them feel like if apps were open a bit longer they would sign up.
It's not the appropriate mentality for a potential mod and sorry as I am to see the game go I'm glad the current mods helps onto the game as long as they did.
if most people are like me, they just felt like other people who were more ~qualified~ should be mods instead of them
That is true, and I understand the mistake and the wrong assumption. Still, considering that now it is very clear that the game is closing, perhaps other people will step up.
It's hard to close a game... and it's hard to have a game close on you. But chewing on each other wont do much but make everyone mad
Nishi's right, sorry for adding to it. I'll back out of this plurk.
Again, I love the mods and the game. I'm super thankful for the work. I just think that maybe there is a chance to save it.
_realms: agreed. i don't want to start a fight or anything but this is such a great game and it seems like a lot of people didn't realize how dire this was until now
I get that it's a big assumption, but I do have other reasons that would have been outweighed had I known the game was going to close within a week. That's all.
Anyway Nishi's still right and there's not much sense in arguing it. I'm sorry if I roughed anyone up. This has been my home game for almost two years, and I'm really sad to see it go.
yes. honestly, I don't wish to start a fight or disrespect our awesome mods. I just really wish to save the game somehow.
we do totally understand the desire to save the game, but i'll just reiterate that we considered all possible options (including what's happening right now!) and concluded that we felt a strong
I don't think any of us want to see it go, but as has been stated, there's a slight difference between apping due to obligation and apping because you want to/feel like you can.
end game would be the best outcome available to everyone
I'm not really talking about obligation, it's more the difference between "yeah, I'd like to mod and keep the game alive" vs "OH GOD OH MAN YES YES I WOULD LOVE THIS" /shrug
Yeah, I'm in favor of endgame at this point.
we'd really prefer to give everyone a chance to wrap things up and get a conclusion to the story than drag it out when there's such a strong chance the end outcome would still be the game closing
thank you thank you for such an awesome run. it's so upsetting to see it close but that's because we've all loved it so much. i wish that i'd paid more attention to how bad it was ugh
the end game plans look stellar and i'm excited for em
I am so sad. This game is one of my favorites and I've loved playing here the year plus I was here. Thanks to the mods and players (though I hope the mod apps get extended)
Thank you so much for your work to date
it's been an amazing game experience and we'll do our best to make the home stretch a BLAZE OF FIRE
go out with a bang of epic endgame proportions
kinda wish this had been announced as a possibility or something for those who were just apping?
exsilium had an amazing run and i'm very grateful for the time and work put in by the mods. thank u guys so much
because yeah, at least this way it's happening before i'm overly invested in CR and i do appreciate that
gottheballs: is said. This was the best game I have ever had the honor to rp at. Hands down.
but knowing it might be closed in three months might have saved me the effort of apping =/
well, I'm not sure exactly how all the dates line up
but maybe mods didn't even know that the game would be headed for sure to a closing when they opened this round of apps?
I think there was the hope that at least a few people would apply for mod positions and we wouldn't have to worry people unnecessarily.
Or feel as though there was a certain pressure to apply, any more than what was already presented in the call for applications to begin with.
i'm going to be totally honest, i didn't even see that post because i just saw something about mods and figured there was no way i could do that because someone else must have experience
but now that i know, i'm like hey yeah that's actually something i could legitimately do
i wouldn't have thought about it before just because i have no modding experience
gosh i'm sorry guys i should let this go, i'm just so upset to see exsilium close. i've never felt this comfortable in a game before
buns for everyone
I just want to say thank you mods for all your hard work. You've made my stay in Exsilium an A+ experience
8( thank you mods
i’m seriously super sad and really disappointed
but I’ve really loved my time here with all of you and that's because of the hard work people have put in to making it great
Anyway again I'm sorry for any ruffled feathers, again. I guess I didn't read the same direness that others did, and now I'm really sad. I'm going to bow out of here now.
tinybro ...This. As someone who is completely new to the game and just apped in this round, this is upsetting :|
Like I get it, but this seems super sudden.
yeah, i mean i can't blame anyone for game ending and whatnot, but having come in from completely outside of the game, without even knowing there'd been a call for mods "in order to keep the game alive"...
this literally came out of nowhere for me, and it kinda makes me wonder if i wasted a lot of time writing up an app and getting excited waiting to get in and then waiting for the intro log and planning and all
...because as someone who is totally new, and doesnt have CR with anyone IC/OOC yet, I have no reason to tag anymore and I wouldnt blame others for not tagging me and wanting to finish their established CR
and i'm surprised apps will be open into february, or open at all
like i'd made plans with some people but gotten tags from lots of others and i have a ton of tags from such people sitting in my inbox that i'd meant to get to
and i kind of wonder whether i should bother with those at all and just focus on things that have something in mind
Well there's still a lot to be done with the endgame! We're not closing the game for almost another two months, and while I totes get the drive might be lower, there's still a fair amount to play with coming up
what jansen said - i understand that feeling but speaking for myself while i definitely want to do stuff with established cr i'm also interested in seeing what new things can happen in the whirlpool of
endgame plots with new characters
Goodness, I go out to dinner and I come back and this.
Not that I don't understand
this is just heartbreaking. I love(d) this game!
Wow, I'm still shocked. I thought that the mod apps had only just recently gone up, and thought maybe some leeway/extra time could be given because everybody was busy over the holidays.
But if the decison's been made, it's been made I guess. I'll at least stick around until the end
thank you mods (past and present) for the work you've put into this game - I know this sort of thing is hard for everyone
^Yes this. I wouldn't love the game so much and be so sad over this if you guys hadn't done so well with it. I'll miss everything
Thirding, okay. I know modship can be a thankless job sometimes but I always felt like Exs was run very, very well.
And I've had a wonderful time because of that
<3 thank you all, i'm so incredibly glad i got a chance to meet and play with you guys, i've had obscene amount of fun modding in and playing at exsilium
It's been an amazing ride, it really has.
Seriously thank you for it
Thank you for all your hard work, mods!
It really is sad to see the game end but that's just a testament of how much love and life you guys poured into it
just popping in to say that I really appreciate all the hard work you guys have done and think you'r emaking the best decision for yourselves/the game <3 i'm happy to have a real ending set up and i think it'll
be interesting to play out the next couple of months
Thank you for all you've done, guys. Exsilium has been one of the best RP experiences I've ever had (if not the best) and while I'm sad to see it go, I'm happy to play out end game and get our happy ending
belatedly popping in to say that I've only been here a couple months, and I've enjoyed so much of the creativity and thought behind the game. I'm sad, but also very interested to see how endgame will go!
i'll never find another game like this one ever, it was jus so uniqute and i loved everything about it
but thank you fro all the hard work you've done
and thanks to absolutely all the players that made this game amazing
i might not have been able to thread with them all WHICH REALLY SUCKS, WHO CARES ABOUT FEASIBILITY but i'm so glad everyone could and did exist in the space together
awww, that makes me sad. This game has been amazing!
Man I just want to say thank you to everyone, especially the mods who ran this monolith of a game for as long as they did.
It's been a pleasure and a privilege to be part of this community for so long. Thank you so much to everyone for being so invested in the game because that's what's made it great.
Thank you for making it a wonderful time.
And for all the work you've put into it to make it memorable for us.
i genuinely have absolutely no clue what i'll do when this game closes...
This was a fantastic game and you all did a great job. I know modding is the most thankless job in history, and you guys really pulled well through it! It's been a blast.