10 years ago
the old laptop finally died, so i had to get a new (well, new used) one. it's alllllmost set up... haha soon i will get back to my tags!
latest #6
10 years ago
i've been stuck with the emergency netbook for a few days, and that thing is half dead too.
10 years ago
Ugh, always a pain when computers die
10 years ago
yeah, i could have replaced the motherboard on it, but the plastic case was in such bad condition (held together with tape and glue and pieces of wood) that i didn't think i'd get it back together
10 years ago
i destroy laptops
10 years ago
yes, the laptop did well! it will get a proper ceremonial recycling once i've harvested any parts that are still good. i got a samsung this time... in my experience, they tend to be sturdy.
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