Please field any questions you might have here!
Do you need any help, OOC-wise? I noticed on the mod contact page that there was only one person!
There are actually two of us but our 2nd mod wishes to remain anonymous for personal concerns! I feel like we're pretty good modwise, with the game as slow as it is I really dont get a heavy work load
Mostly the largest concern is how do we get people tagging because I can only come up with so many events and hope people take interest and it's been pretty stagnant, a complaint we've gotten actually
I feel bad because I saw this happen to Scorched and I'd like that not to be us
Well you can't blame yourselves for that. Players need to be proactive, and I don't think you're slacking as far as events and prompts go.
aw, thank you! that's really good to hear because I have about a million and one ideas for events and test drive prompts and the like
I know I usually try to tag into as much as I can, but school is just about finishing up so I'm super swamped atm ;~;
no worries, hon! school/rl comes first! I just wish I could do something more
That's a good point too. About three people in a row went on hiatus the other day, over in my other game.
January/February tends to be a little rough.
Because I'm excited for the game and the potential it has. I've been wanting to do things with the NPCs but been holding off because it felt as if there was little to no interest in events as it was
which is sad really because, like I said, I have all these ideas
I have no trouble with AC but I wish inboxes counted LOL but that's my wish for everywhere because so much of my RP starts off in the inbox and I am too lazy to move it
INboxes do count for AC! that was addressed in the mod post when AC was originally brought up - that was a suggestion
I will double check to be sure that's made clear
ohhh I didn't see that in the rules since the last time I looked then!
i know it counted if I was apping another character
but I didn't know it counted/counted
I just hope there are people actually interested in the network and log comms too >.>
omfg XD I was about to suggest having more NPC's around to interact with. There's just something very FUN about them, because it feels like I'm doing Things when I tag them.
If you roll out NPC's, I will tag them.
I tend to agree that at this point the problem is the playerbase more than it is the mod team. You guys are putting up CR memes, Test Drives, you have an event plotting post...
I'm kind of struggling to think what more could be done on that side of things
Me too
maybe I will think up something NPC related with the Co Mod
it may take an AC cycle to get everyone straightened out
and I say this as someone who was and still is drawn to the game for its low stress AC requirements
AC goes up on the 16th but isn't due until the 28th to give folks time to read it over sort out their proofs
but there are probably a lot of people who are still in the game and not paying attention to it
and unfortunately there isn't really anything mods can do with players who aren't interested in the game except let the AC weed them out
That will probably be best, it's just unfortunate because there's so few as is, which is sad
I already did, I enabled like half a dozen people when it opened
Yeah, pretty much! This is making me want to consider a second character, but I'm not sure what type might drum up more interest. Villains? Extroverts?
possibly a player plotting post could be helpful. Like get some juices going for more character-driven storylines
every canon and character has something they can bring to the table. A perspective based on where they come from, a skill they possess, an aspect of their personality
CR memes are good! I get a little shy with kink requests, since you never know who's gonna judge.
I was going to suggest a plurk-friending post for these reason(s).
and I think players as a rule love to babble about their characters and canons
Oh, I totally do both those things /o/ and try to link them on the comms
frudence: oh? like a variation of the CR meme?
that might help get some people talking
yeah because I've admitted straight out before that I thrive on chatter about a game and my character's CR and that sort of thing
because RL happens and people get busy
and maybe even some more out of game related memes like the heart meme hmm
I'm not in game anymore, but I just wanted to say that I think the mods were doing a great job while I was there. Idk about the other mod, but you (Teru) were always available and ready to plot.
there a game chatroom or AIM Blast?
I mean, spamming it up here is pretty good too!
some OOC memes like that would be awesome
but yes I do sometimes miss AIM
no I do not know of either of these things
I do have AIM but I've never done a game chat
And not knowing who's on which timezones
and just used that as the game room
and made it something kinda silly only players knew about
like proxibooty or something
We've got AIM Blast over in Genessia, I kind of love it. You don't have to invite anyone, you just start chatting in it.
proxibooty lmao i like it
having more player-to-player contact might encourage more cross-canon CR too
these are great ideas and things I am writing down to look into
I would totally love some cross-canon CR! Doesn't have to be sex (but I don't mind that either ho ho ho).
100% of my CR is cross-canon I absolutely love it
if my weekend isn't craycray I'm hoping to tag around again and whatnot
Who do you play? If you put up a post, I will happily tag it!
Maybe we could have a community-locked contact page?
I play Belle from OUAT
I play Wanijima Akito from Air Gear /o/ with past-game history from Adstring, thus the lack of his peanut gallery
and current dokidoki boyfriendo
I don't know the Air Gear canon, but you will be future-tagged! o/
And I haven't seen OUAT either, but I'm pretty sure Orihime and Belle will get along.
(I also can't wait for the date auction to go up, mwah ha ha ha...!)
YES I need to tag Orihime's intro
I've been up to my ears in snow and schoolwork so my tags have been slow the last couple days
Pish posh, don't worry about it! I've been watching with morbid glee waiting to see who's going to be the first to break it to her just what kind of experiements she's in for.
Then she can flail and be flustered appropriately.
Akito made an infopost he would link the newbies to but he needs to update it so bad
She needs to see this. The more I know she knows, the more accurately I can play her when she tags out!
There, I added an event suggestion too. I AM CONTRIBUTING!
You are the best contributor~!! lol thank you
I really like that one actually haha
It's like the plot of every 50's movie ever.
I actually did something similar to that in Amat before I dropped it was actually horrible
it was like this mini plot where someone was trying to find a "cure" for the collars and he would give out this pill thing
and it backfired wonderfully
THAT WAS A CURSE BUT they were going on at the same time I think???
Aw, thank you! It sounds like you're not short on ideas, but I could probably wrangle up a dozen others.
/spent too much time working up sexy event ideas for TLH posts.
nothing wrong with that
Well, the 'i'm naked and tied up oh noooooo' posts were getting pretty old. XD
...well shit, I just got an idea for October, brb.
You will get tired of the word 'sexy' for that event.
...okay, one more idea then that's it I swear.
/suddenly rearranges all my event plans for one or two of these
ROFLMHO!!! Yay! XD Well now I'm curious about what else is lurking in the queue!
Its a surprise
but then it wouldn't be a surprise
It'll be a mini-surprise! We won't know WHEN it happens.
I admit I personally apped in about 5 minutes before my life went completely insane, but yeah I do wish the game as a whole was more active
I would love to see more activity but I really cannot think of anything more the mod team could be doing to encourage it
Planning stuff for this event myself but I need to figure out how to make it more involved?