and just a note these reserves go towards the March App round as currently February's is still open. We may just continue to leave apps open for anyone interested and have it a continuous monthly thing.
so if anyone wants to app this month they still can.
I've been pimping it out to a friend or two. Someone should be apping soon.
aw that's awesome!!
for folks who missed entering and would rather vote
hey! will you post for the---
If someone wants Orihime to bid on their character for whatever reason, she totally will. I just haven't seen anyone else respond yet.
just about to hit that with Belle
HOORAY! I'm kind of tempted to app in an evil dude, but I'm not sure how much people would like one of those assholes around.
hey it might spice things up to have an evil dude never know
I contemplated working on an NPC to introduce so that'll be my evil dude
Oh my, I would love to see this. <- Ciaus mun.
maybe do a Scientist post and have her field all the grumpy captives
Ooh, that would be interesting. He's definitely a grumpy captive. XD
I used to play Evil Ash, so he'd be all "FREE SEX? HELL YES COUGH THAT SHIT UP"
He's kind of a triggery guy, though. Seriously who'd want to sleep with him.
well im sure if you put up a permission post it would be fine? It is a sex game and we are pretty careful about folks triggers.
Yeah, and I totally wouldn't ever pit him against someone unless stuff had been talked about OOCly first.