10 years ago
Dumb question: is it common for a cadet not to be Drift compatible with anyone? Sorry, I'm not super familiar with Pacific Rim canon!
latest #19
10 years ago
And, yknow, working on tags, Mike did that thing, blah blah blah.
I would assume so or they never find a drift partner. It only disqualifies you from being a pilot though, you can still be a PPDC officer
10 years ago
Got it. Thanks!
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
The big problem is not being able to withstand what Drifting does to you - not that people are Drift Incompatible per say, but that they can't take the intensity/break down in the process
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
Even the comics point toward the danger of that happening - people hide secrets from each other, or they have major blowups that destroy relationships
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
It's less a danger of someone who has been taken as drift capable not finding anyone as it is breaking down under the training or the stress of what the drift is
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
You have to trust someone, and be trusted in return; you need mutual respect.
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
So if your character is unable to respect or trust others, or unable to be respected or trusted, that's the bigger make it or break it issue. Up to the point where they may even not want to try out the pons
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
system, which is the Drift system used in training drops (not as intense as the actual drift, the pons simulators are still pretty good at predicting how well you work with another like that.)
10 years ago
Oh, I was just wondering because Mike mentioned that he couldn't find anyone he could drift with in Alaska and I didn't know if that should prompt surprise or not.
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
Pons training would start after the three month Academy mark in this game.
10 years ago
But this is lots of good information! Thank you for being so thorough!
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
It'd probably make someone wonder if he hadn't been hesitant for other reasons, or bonded poorly with the group, or had his partner there fall through
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
Since most people came to Alaska with a partner, which could make it make sense for why Mike's down in Valparaíso where people come in partnerless and the program focuses on that model!
10 years ago
...Aww man. Too bad I already tagged, that's actually really good to know. Oh well.
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
Hey, it's all good! There's multiple ways for any person to take it, so nothing is inherently "right" or "wrong."
10 years ago
Yup! And like I said, it's good information for future reference. Thanks a bunch. c:
Jaeger Academy
10 years ago
10 years ago
learning cool things by reading this! ^_^
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