Proxima Beta
10 years ago
Just a Reminder that Activity Check Begins at Midnight EST on the 21st so please make sure you get your AC in!
latest #18
one smoke show®
10 years ago
I am confused... it says the 27th of the previous month to the 28th of this month, but it's due on the 21st? so Jan 27 to feb 27? or dec 27 to jan 28th?
the AC period covers the 27th of January into the 28th of February
but AC is due between the 21st-28th
so if you have your proofs before the 28th you're good
one smoke show®
10 years ago
Ohhhh okay.
21st-28th is just "AC week" like any other game
one smoke show®
10 years ago
gotcha, I just was confused because it sounded like it was "due" at midnight like you are going to do the check at midnight so get it in
no no it says in the plurk that it begins the 21st
so you're all set as long as you get AC within the beginning date and the end date of the AC round - the 28th
one smoke show®
10 years ago
LOL it's just a wording thing, because I read that as though you are going to begin the check - ie: checking all the submitted AC
one smoke show®
10 years ago
it's okay! I've had a long day
one smoke show®
10 years ago
I am still at the office and it's 810pm and I will be here for at least another few hours
wow that sucks sorry you're stuck at work so late
one smoke show®
10 years ago
it happens a lot, I'm used to it LOL
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