Katballou says
16 years ago
Sipping her coffee she realizes that the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
latest #11
16 years ago
wonders if you are reading Elie Wiesel as you sip your coffee.
Katballou says
16 years ago
actually it was a comment brought up over dinner a few nights ago but didn't see the truth of it til my coffee this morning :-)
shooman says
16 years ago
that's something a lot of people say from time to time. I alter between liking it... and not. lol
Katballou says
16 years ago
Well really if you hate someone you still have very strong emotions about them and still give them power over you . Not so with indiffernce.
shooman says
16 years ago
true. which is why I say opposite could be true... could be false. Depends on POV. Cold is absence of heat/energy.
shooman says
16 years ago
But other things like positive and negative-- opposites are because of energy signatures.
shooman says
16 years ago
so hate is opposite because hate is generated because of love. Indifference is opposite because it is an absence of love.
kafkaz says
16 years ago
hate requires engagement with the other person. Indifference is total lack of engagement or concern.
kafkaz shares
16 years ago
s the whole quote: “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference . . .
kafkaz says
16 years ago
"The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. . .
kafkaz says
16 years ago
"The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
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