richyy24 asks
15 years ago
handstand anyone?
latest #22
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
chyea complete guy splits 2!
15 years ago
whoaaa! i'm in the process of getting them. I stretch those legs for like 20 mins every day... well i just started haha
15 years ago
how about those backhandsprings?
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
ima cheerleader! hell yea!
15 years ago
niiice! i used to do gymnastics :-D
15 years ago
i'm trying to get a full twist... but my fear is too overwhelming. I can do em off a divingboard into a pool strangely tho o_O
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
cant do that yet thats hurts me!
15 years ago
where does it hurt??
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
i fell and now i have 2 stay out da team until next school year! i think i injured sumthin either way anything i do hurts me! exept the
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
15 years ago
hahahah im jealous
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
im jealous you can walk without hurting!
Aidan says
15 years ago
backflips are kinda easy
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
~Ari~ says
15 years ago
15 years ago
they are :3
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
tell me sumthin whea yo boss at?? diva is a femal version of a hustla!
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
omfg stilettos!!!
15 years ago
you lost me here.. are you asking me where i live haha? :-P
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
its a song by BEYONCE! its called Diva look it up on youtube!
~Ari~ says
15 years ago
lucasdemetriii says
15 years ago
have yall heard it before????
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