wow says get out of there
but yes come join us. now we have something replurkable!
hello yes join us
i'll keep my doge face on but y replurk at will
fudge navigating between two plurks is butts
only one can wear the doge face at a time it is known
lmao you have the password so technically
we can both warg into doge rn
i know
it's just less confusing this way
y because you're the real face of this thing i'm just your slave
oh right i should add in the mingle link lmao
full disclosure: this is more like a private musebox sort of thing than a formal game
but hey new friends are good
as long as u cool
yes not a real game
come to us
or idk other people. bring anyone c:
mostly bring people that aren't moriarty. we need to keep hannah sad
it's ok hannah. you'll get a moriarty when i get daddy roose. c:
so never
i guess i should ping people with claims into this
since they have invite powers
/goes to look at our list
i wonder if i spelled those right oh well
lemme see if i can scrutinize my own plurk list for more names
it is fun yes
lins it's ok. you'll get derek off his bouncy butt soon
and he can be the kevin kostner to petyr's whitney houston
i can make a closed log for them soon if you're still having trouble
she is gross and smelly
but we need more bears :c
if she comes i might never bring my dominick cobb
because why would I ever want to play with her :2
jorah's life in an emote. you need that hannah
ugh i am tired of doge face. fine my real identity :U
now time to go through my list for this
no jorah's life in an emote would be
if it would make a good emote but it would not
Gently moves toward claim page
omg all the bears
ok i think that's it for peeps who may be interested
pearl i miss playing with you :c
bring him c: i loved your AU for him!
did i forget to ping
gaslamp y i did oops
I actually like the sound of everything in this game
well pan does have prison for a username soooo
or you can bring him as an old dude
i'm going to figure out a way to bring someone super ridic and i will overthrow the entire game
app the pug from men in black
i'll die and shut everything down
i've never seen men in black tho
include the one from ripper street
app him from strikeback. app him from ripper street. app him from resident evil. app him from tomb raider.
ooooh someone with a moriarty muse just ninja liked. maybe you'll get lucky hannah
still not your moriarty tho
never my moriarty
i can probably not bring myself to app moran anyway tbh he's so ridic i can't bring down his buzz
maybe you can drag barristan
i say this in a plurk you have replurked knowing you have barristan added
hannah i saw this pic of a pug guiding a blind shi-tzu. i thought of us.
omg go away
i trust your taste in friends c:
i have faith
oh we were supposed to do the meet n greet before claiming....
drops a comment... flits away to mall...
wingzerohugs: hello! please don't mind me pressing my face against the glass.
lmao i will fly to your comment nelly
join us
also i will throw theon in here later
YES GOOD. and then i can start on a closed log where he beats ramsay's ass
i didn't know i was invited!
carpathia of course you are. who else can rule red light district things? c:
I'M GLAD i wanted to join but i wasn't sure about invites and didn't want to embarrass myself... thank you!!
nah if i have you added on plurk, that's an insta-invite. even those i didn't ping. i opted not to ping since i asume they're busy
i am bookmarking this so i can continue staring at it
HI YES HELLO I have a Robb here he's an ex-con who was falsely accused we blame Petyr
blaming ur mom shut up robb
don't we blame petyr for everything
Petyr is why Robb landed in jail in the first place
omg hi i really want to play with robb
(i want to play with everyone....)
claudia auditore! she is from a vidya game tho wheezes
I once played from video games too
motomiya knows petyr's true nature and appreciates it v_v
Disgaea, I had Laharl and Mao
ah i haven't played it before!
it's good, I only ever saw the YouTube playthroughs don't start I don't have a PSP or anything and it's basically like "noble demons pretending they aren't noble except they are also explosions"
i feel u. i don't have any new systems so i miss out on a lot of games.
motomiya then be a good bodyguard then and ping me when you open post so idk... paycheck time