10 years ago
Energon Flavors Event Extension and also a note about Jayde's characters
latest #17
10 years ago
Spectreselva OldMaidDragon twasbrillig are you three still up for running the Zone event?
10 years ago
Here is the original event post: re_alignedmods | --PLOTTING AND CANON UPDATES--
10 years ago
To proceed, we'll need a set of dates, an OOC post for the community, and people to run the NPCs.
10 years ago
For the Energon Flavors event, it will proceed as planned just with a longer timeframe.
10 years ago
... wow... just... thinking about her characters like that makes me feel like crying and I'm not sure if it's the good or bad kind...
10 years ago
demothi: Yeah, we've been having a hard time deciding how to proceed. This is a temporary fix so that we can continue with the plot she wanted to do.
10 years ago
nods It's understandable, and in a way it's kind of... beautiful? In a sightly painful way though... haha... sorry
10 years ago
demothi: /hugs I completely understand.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Yeah, just give me the weekend to try to get myself up to speed on the stalker game (yay for walkthroughs on YT!) and such.
10 years ago
Also I have an idea for Fracas I wanted to pass by you guys, but my lunch os almost over so Ill do that tonight when I get home (poss late again)
indeed indeed! my s.t.a.l.k.e.r. knowledge is yours
10 years ago
OldMaidDragon: That should be fine~ I trust you three to be able to come up something awesome. <3
TheApostate ™
10 years ago
I'm up for helping, though I don't know STALKER
10 years ago
twasbrillig: Your knowledge is going to be extra helpful. <33
I'll try an beat the game again before the plot time comes up O3
so I will possess more knowledge maybe hopefully
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