10 years ago
[HK] So we're about to release the information about our new network! We've worked out all the specifics except one... What do we call our device? :-o Looking for a parody name of a smart phone.
latest #138
10 years ago
Our best ideas are pPhone (p for Prinny) or dPhone (spoofing from iPhone... well trying to.)
10 years ago
but... pPhone...
10 years ago
Thought we'd see if anyone has any better suggestions. :-)
10 years ago
oh d for Dood lol
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Darkberry? XD (Blackberry parody)
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
It's more like "how long can we last until all the pPhone jokes start?"
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Oooh, let me think
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
My first thought was just call them Android Phones and have them have a picture of there.
But that's still not enough of a parody.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
...Unless the phones were D4 Androids. which would lead to all kinds of hilarity in character but definitely wouldn't work as a serious network.
NekoIncardine says
10 years ago
Call it a Persocom and then get a Chobits cast
NekoIncardine says
10 years ago
More seriously, Dark berry is probably a good choice.
10 years ago
Oh we've got the OS part parodied. |D You'll see~
10 years ago
Hint: there is a prinny theme XD
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
ohooo~ o:
i like darkberry! its cute :3
10 years ago
haha apparently |D Only thing is.. well lemme show you my sketch of the phone |D
10 years ago
10 years ago
This is why pPhone was our first idea |D
10 years ago
(p for prinny XD )
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
lol doodPhone so many serious characters would hate their lives
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
While the goofy ones would just think it's cute.
10 years ago
dPhone was another thought XD haha
10 years ago
But yes, it's a cute phone X3
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
So, which name should we go for?
Bat Matt
10 years ago
...sorely tempted to app John Taylor, from Nightside. ....who has a cell that has a totally legit Exorcise function.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
I think a lot of the demons would not like that XD
Bat Matt
10 years ago
XD It's just for the phone. In case it gets possessed.
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
Wait, what?
10 years ago
I was gonna say, that wouldn't do much to a demon |D
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
Phones... that get possessed?
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
....Pffff. I would ask, but I know the Nightside.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
It happens. mostly it's demonic spam apps.
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
Even by Disgaea standards, that's insane
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
10 years ago
Though some might think their phone is possessed... lol you'll see~ |D
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Thing is, Nightside is also heavily fourth wall aware.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
He could legitimately wander into the Netherworld and it have nothing to do with the funky gate.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(not that he could necessarily find his way back)
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Hey, I play from a series where characters literally live in Movieland and make remarks about screentime.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
But yes. The Nightside is absofrickenlutely insane by any canon standard.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
...odds are those movies play in the Nightside.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
It's that heavily fourth walled.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Oh, probably!
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
And odds are, there are Nightside movies in Movieland.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
There's also Blazing Saddles if you want fourth wall awareness...
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Viewtiful Joe is also pretty bad on the fourth walling.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
The list goes on. XD
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
And I play Alastor from there. You guys are lucky he's not the games version, though. The games version interrupts a sene to talk to the players.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(Oh, Jen? The Doctor is mentioned in Nightside. Thought you should know. XD)
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Fun times.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Anime Alastor isn't quite as bad, but he's still fully aware his world is fictional.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
And has been through...lots of movies.
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
Most of which are parodies of real movies.
10 years ago
lol nice |D
Bat Matt
10 years ago
But anyway, back on track - Possessed phones, phones with exorcism apps, other things of that nature. Something you guys may wanna consider. XD
10 years ago
Lol I don't think we'd be going there |D
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(I could also app John or Dave, and give them a boombox loaded with Whitesnake.)
10 years ago
though never say never I suppose
Bat Matt
10 years ago
dunno how they'd take being able to see demons etc without the soy sauce though. =|a
10 years ago
Anyways |D Final name vote? pPhone, dPhone or Darkberry I think? XD (too bad more android phones don't have very parady-able names lol )
Bat Matt
10 years ago
...why not use all three? Or at least two?
10 years ago
Well there's only one model lol
10 years ago
we're keeping it simple lol
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Ah. XD
10 years ago
least for now |D
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Well, in that case, my vote goes for Darkberry.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(also, if you guys want me to kill Soma's immunity in that last tag, more than willing. Charm magic is kind of a gray area.)
E.S. Levi
10 years ago
I like Darkberry, too.
i like darkberry or dphone (for doodphone) only things i could come up for andriod would be doodriod or andood lol
10 years ago
(actually I'm more thinking skip the administering potions? that was a lotta action for one tag ^^)
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(mkay. XD Yeah, I kinda thought about that after the fact. Been a bit busy to fix it till just a bit ago though.)
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
I hereby move that the ghost overlord's name be recorded henceforth as Casper - regardless of whether he has a REAL name or not. XD
10 years ago
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
I kind of pity the ghost. He picked the wrong time to try and usurp the throne.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Oh yeah. the WRONG time
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Fighting the Overlord, a Fallen Angel, a Reaper (who may or may not join in), a Blood Knight Sister, Not!Dracula, and a jaded Blood Knight Demon Hunter.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Any one of them strong enough to be an overlord in their own right.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
This is not a good time to be a bad guy.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Pretty much.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
but all six at once?
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
You done like dinner
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Yeeeeah. XD
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
I don't even know who is the weakest among them, not that it matters because when you're talking the weakest among six Overlord level characters that's just... splitting hairs
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
It's like saying
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
"Which is the least painful one to get annihilated by?"
Bat Matt
10 years ago
...prolly Soma.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
He's just human after all. XD
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(though if he takes it into his head to put on that One Damn Ring and spam red minotaur...)
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(let's just say Laharl might need a new castle. XD)
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(...not that he doesn't do something at LEAST as flashy every other tuesday on his own)
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(It's a wonder that castle is still standing. =|a)
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
you mean after it's been torched umpteen times?
Bat Matt
10 years ago
torched, meteor'd, bombed, the list goes on
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Yeah, well, Soma does have the powers of the Prince of Darkness, effectively. Which Castlevania Dracula is nothing to sneeze at. XD
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Even though he's still a human, he's far from a Badass Normal. Xd
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
True. You should see him (Drac) in Lords of Shadow. ...think that was the name anyway.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Well, I mean, you put it this way
Bat Matt
10 years ago
The only thing stopping Soma from being a major player is the fact that he's still Mortal.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Dracula lords over the Grim Reaper.
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
He's pretty powerful.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Yeah. XD
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Soma being still human as opposed to full Drac does hold him back, but the Power of Dominance is still significant. Considering he can best Death like that
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
Good times.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
/nods And he even does it without a whip or a leather skirt. 8D
Bat Matt
10 years ago
But yeah. He's still the weakest badass in that illustrious group.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
except maybe Emi
Bat Matt
10 years ago
I mean... he's only level 50ish, for cryin' out loud.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
...don't get hit, man!
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Bat Matt
10 years ago
Guy has evade out the wazoo.
Bat Matt
10 years ago
AND an absolute defense ability. >.>
Bat Matt
10 years ago
(granted he can't use it and attack at the same time, and it only covers his front)
10 years ago
I guess that's all the votes we're getting lmao ... plurk keeps going offtopic ;-)
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
whoops ;;
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
Emi: /is not that weeeaaaak D8
10 years ago
10 years ago
/sudden burst of inspiration lol
Snom ♥ Curry
10 years ago
I like
Bolt Vanderhuge
10 years ago
I like that too
Bat Matt
10 years ago
...could work
MNK Zoomies
10 years ago
I like that one too
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