I hv a frd who bought it, tried it and its much better and just abt the right comfort level for the eye
(I use a ASUS Fonepad, and also tried again ipads and Kindle fires)
i found that even when adjusting for lower brightness levels for the other tablet devices, paperwhite is still more comfy
the only downside to paperwhite for me is that in terms of reading pdf file reports (with charts etc), paperwhite looks little weird to me
but if you're mostly reading novels (ie words only), worth a try
haha i m thinkg to buy for reading pdf. but yes, my readings are mostly words. numbers are not my fd.
princessea: then give it a try, the device is primarily designed to read word-only stuff anyway, personally i think it does this job pretty well
just dont play games with it
um. cuz keep reading on ipad hurt my eyes.
yes so forget reading pdf on kindle
but text on kindle is great
因為在下要睇有好鬼多圖嘅pdf file,所以最終揀咗千七銀fonepad,因為係貨美所以係全街最平(大六嘢買唔落手)
haha so it's still useful if i make a word copy fr those pdf...
and amazon provide you a email, you can send text to it and it will show on kindle
um. oh, so if i only hv to read words. and i can convert pdf to txt... then there's no prob?
iPad accessibility 可著 invert color,變黑底白字
唔係份份 pdf 可轉 txt,有時啲 text flow 仲會錯晒
chiunam T ya, sometimes i turned that too... but kinda werid feelings. haha.
highlight text? yes, but 3x slower than doing it on ipad type of tablet
oh yes, i kn... just some...
oh ic... 3x slower... ipad aldy not that fast...
kindle paperwhite highlight唔掂
thanks muchie all for the advice... i prob shud drop the idea...
portable 睇 pdf take notes etc,應該都係 iPad 比較好。
as i said, its primary function is designed to read word only stuff
you want complicated things, it fails on most fronts
我部kindle有80%時間係用來睇instapaper ( tool for saving web pages to read later)
係 pdf 呢個 format 大食兼麻煩,根本唔啱 portable device 用,雖則 pdf 個 p 係 portable
chiunam T yes sometimes i hate pdf so much.
haha. 同埋圖多就算係ipad開, 都有機會慢
haha. actually i truly feel my ipad is SLOW in opening pdf files...
試過 ipad air,已經輕咗好,但同 kindle 冇得比
i m using ipad mini actually. that's lighter.
chiunam: ipad air要retina display新版先好睇啲,用舊版睇我睇到啲英文字粒起角,頂五信
i can still think abt kindle... cuz now those journals mostly do offer pdf/word for dl
what's better option? can highlight and save as annotated copy
I found goodreader is too bulky, i use PDF expert instead
thanks both! haha lemme dl
實情係,自從發現android有個叫pdf viewer嘅app之後已經好少用IOS類機睇pdf
i dun see i will hv a android device in near future.
PDF on kindle 的問題是畫面太細而市面大部份 PDF 係 A4 。用 Kindle 看要左 scroll 右 scroll 。