Oh my gosh! This is so amazing to talk to you! My friend (makexitxcount) has been trying to get me to join Plurk for ages and I finally joined. I found Dalton my first year of college and I've loved it since!
So, on another Dalton related note, makexitxcount and I have realized that I am literally Reed in girl form. I am seriously the worst klutz ever and I'm an artist.
She saves me all the time, Shane-style. I would have hurt myself a lot more without her! The only thing that's different between Reed and I is that I danced for years, so I can sometimes catch myself. lol
Okay, addressing these one at a time! Hannah, I'm definitely on tumblr, my name is tweedlesxtalkingxflower for now. Finnie: mine too! And to Becky and Cameron: Hello there lovely people!