10 years ago
latest #9
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
AbbyMcdonnagh: Thank you for supporting us and helping us to be an 'awesome' school <3
Tiffy Concordia says
10 years ago
U are an amazing person... and the people who been in sl now stuff like this happens. and it is how u handle it that brings u out on top! And u have down that sweety.. u handled this better the I did
Tiffy Concordia says
10 years ago
thankful only u and Scar and Chloe heard me... and that makes me proud to watch u handle this so well. U are perfect in my eyes ..always have been!
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
TiffySerevi: Only because you made me perfect<3
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Tiffy Concordia says
10 years ago
10 years ago
From reading that post you seem to have handled it ok in my books! Keep on going! Tomorrow is a new day and whats done is done so keep on smiling!
Tiffy Concordia says
10 years ago
Exactly Winter
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