10 years ago
I cannot even believe I can't go to Fanime, there are literal tears in my eyes right now guys.
latest #11
10 years ago
I'm so sorry sweetie. We'll hug the hell out of you and snuggle with you to heckie. <: ( What happened??
10 years ago
Well, the good news is I work for Disney Interactive lol
10 years ago
the bad news is, playtesters get NO DAYS OFF in the summer, cause the game has to be in good enough shape to ship in July, so May is when crunch time starts
10 years ago
So I'll be working that Saturday and Monday
10 years ago
and plane tickets are $250 at least for only being up there one day
10 years ago
so now I can't afford it T__T
10 years ago
Before when I would have to work on a con weekend I would just call out, but those were part time jobs and I could get away with it
10 years ago
This is contract work, so I wanna stay on super good terms so they don't cut me when they have to start laying people off
10 years ago
I haven't missed a Fanime since.... God. How long has it even been? Like, 7 years? Since my first time I have not missed a Fanime. And this year all my non-cosplayer friends can actually make it too
10 years ago
and it's the first con since Liz got back
10 years ago
And I just.... Ugh, I cannot deal. I am gonna party so hardy with you guys to make up for it, for realzies.
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