ChaosFear asks
10 years ago
I'm wanting to learn how to make mesh n stuffs, does anyone have any YouTube tutorials they can recommend? I'm wanting to build houses n stuffs. :-))
latest #17
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
chachos first you need to decide which program you are going to use: Blender, Maya, Zbrush
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
Blender? Or do you recommend something different?
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
well blender is free XD Basics of Blender mesh for Secondlife
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
did you see the grandpa comment or you ignored me :-P
10 years ago
I'm no help there. I'm using Maya and 3ds max.
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
well if you want to pay somebody for lessons I have a friend who teaches blender and guess what she's like in your bloody timezon
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
Are either maya or 3ds free?
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
maya is not free unless cough you get a bootleg copy cough
10 years ago
I have some free student versions. Pretty limited on Maya features though.
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
yeah if you are a student at a college you can get student versions. You can even get demo's of the programs but after a while they don't work
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
I just want to learn the basics and then work my way up... maybe.... if all else fails I'll give it up as a bad job...
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
learn blender and then you can teach me
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
So,Chi... What do you use.. your going to say both aren't you :-P
Pocket Lola says
10 years ago
i think she might use 3ds max for rigging or something idk. i know alot of designers use it for something but you know i'm absent minded
10 years ago
3ds max mostly, but I do mostly props and attachments and stuff. Not clothes.
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
I'm thinking of buildings etc.... atm
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