10 years ago
#AgentsofSHIELD it took a while to get going early in the season, but now it all makes more sense...
latest #7
10 years ago
Looking forward to next week s season finale, but will miss it over the summer. It DID get renewed, right?
MizJed says
10 years ago
they haven't said yet
10 years ago
re: season finale- satisfying. Just about everyone got what they deserved, plenty of loose ends to grab for next season
Tanarian says
10 years ago
It DID get renewed! They're talking about using the Peggy Carter post-war series as a bridge over hiatus.
10 years ago
I finally saw the Agent Carter one-shot on the Iron Man 3 disc. I'm looking forward to learning more about her.
Magda K
10 years ago
Qwis: That's a great short film. I'm hoping the series can live up to it.
MizJed thinks
10 years ago
that AoS did take a while to get going, but it was worth it.
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