Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
hmmm, is there any good way about telling a friend they are getting with a total douche bag without seeming like a dick? >.>
latest #14
10 years ago
a 'good way'.. not really no
10 years ago
depends on the friend.. some are just going to do whatever, regardless
10 years ago
but, a delicate warning, may get totally blown off too
10 years ago
i suck at this, because i tend to be blunt about it "This guy/girl is a douche, and this isn't going to end well" and they get pissy and i at least have the good grace not to say 'i told you so' when it ends
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Yeah, well thing is this person is someone that has lost several accounts for grieving and hacking as well as a lot of threats
10 years ago
yeah, umm.. that's not one you gotta be delicate about.. just say it. they're going to take it however. but you will have done the right thing, in your mind
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Yeah, but then it usually gets to the person and I turn into a "target"
10 years ago
10 years ago
as i said, no good way really
10 years ago
Let's see the last time I tried to warn a friend about a person that friend dumped me as their sl daughter after a year and I ended up having my name drug thru the muck but I was still right.
10 years ago
Doesn't matter that I was "right" because I don't have that friend I thought I had. Had I had it to do over I'd still tell them. They'd still make the same choices. But that's me. You can tell them
10 years ago
And say "I know I put our friendship at risk over this but it is worth it to not have to see you get hurt" and hope they don't have their head up their butt
Kittyfox McMeep
10 years ago
There really isn't a good way to do it but try to tell them in a way that you stress that it's because you care about THEM and while you want them to make their own choices, you just want to let them know that
Kittyfox McMeep
10 years ago
you have heard or know from experience that the person isn't a good person, what they've done, and that you don't want them to get mixed up in anything bad or get hurt because of it
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