Been watching Luther on Netflix
latest #16
I think I gave up on that show after 3 episodes
I always felt like....I was wishing there were more episodes of Sherlock to watch instead
disclaimer: I haven't watched true detective, which apparently is the gold standard in modern detective stories
and yes, sherlock is crazy good
ohhh I haven't heard of true detective
but yeah - imo Luther is amazing...midway through the second season and the stakes are high
I love this actor, who was Stringer Bell in the wire
I might have to give it another chance, and watch it anytime that isn't "right after I just watched Sherlock and want more Sherlock"
what I really like about this is...especially late first season and so far in the second, it stops being a detective show and becomes a horror show
psychological thriller with one murderer per two episodes
very dexter, while not being utterly ridiculous
that is a good perspective
yeah Luther is really good
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