well, FWIW, I had a summer where I had a ~12k round-trip bike commute, and I was thinner and more fit after that summer than maybe any other time in my life.
and cool, well, I'd love your help. Current bike fund balance: $53.19... not really enough, I'm guessing. But hopefully it'll grow rapidly; I think a bicycle is high on my priority list.
I don't need a six-pack, just want to be trim so I can wear my swimsuit and not feel bad about it Right now all my weight is around my belly, whereas you can count my ribs.
wirehead do you mean we have smaller distances here, yeah that's true...12 km feels like a lot to me but I guess that's nothing in the US where everything is in driving-distance not biking walking distance
just done a comparison of some bay area distances versus Berlin distances... yeah, Berlin is a little bigger than SF proper, but when you start getting down into the rest of the area... Berlin is tiny.