wirehead likes
10 years ago
the part where, after getting a checkup, the doctor doesn't give the "you should get exercise" speech. Biking to work is good for that.
latest #22
10 years ago
I still get the speech, even though I bike to work - it is mostly downhill, and I ride the bus home. :-D
Gwênlyn says
10 years ago
Agreed - I don't get that speech either. :-)
10 years ago
10 years ago
wirehead I am planning to bike to work, that's 12 km roughly return-trip. Will that make me fit? If I do nothing else and eat the same as always.
10 years ago
5 times a week
10 years ago
shrugs. Biking is going to likely be good for you, but there's always a bigger question about what you think "fit" means and how you are eating.
10 years ago
I eat oatmeal and chia porridge and about 2-3 rolls with eggs or meat slices in them plus some nuts and cherry tomatoes
10 years ago
and cod (fish) and steamed veggies
10 years ago
that's it
lindes says
10 years ago
well, FWIW, I had a summer where I had a ~12k round-trip bike commute, and I was thinner and more fit after that summer than maybe any other time in my life.
lindes says
10 years ago
granted, I was doing hard manual labor work during the days, too, but that had been true other summers, too, without the same degree of difference.
lindes says
10 years ago
so, wirehead... In a few weeks (after I have a few paychecks accumulated), might you be willing to help me select a bike?
wirehead loves
10 years ago
helping other people spend money. It's like shopping therapy without the downside of more stuff! :-P
10 years ago
things that 12km is probably going to make you fitter and happier and healthier. It's just that it won't give you a sixpack or whatnot.
lindes thinks
10 years ago
that's what the other rides are for. ;-)
lindes says
10 years ago
and cool, well, I'd love your help. Current bike fund balance: $53.19... not really enough, I'm guessing. But hopefully it'll grow rapidly; I think a bicycle is high on my priority list.
10 years ago
I don't need a six-pack, just want to be trim so I can wear my swimsuit and not feel bad about it ;-) Right now all my weight is around my belly, whereas you can count my ribs.
10 years ago
notes that you are halfway there to a commuter were you to be living in the Netherlands, but only one tenth of the way there in the US.
lindes thinks
10 years ago
that I'd be 100% there if I was willing to pick up a stolen bike from the Flohmarkt in Berlin. :-P
10 years ago
wirehead do you mean we have smaller distances here, yeah that's true...12 km feels like a lot to me :-) but I guess that's nothing in the US where everything is in driving-distance not biking walking distance
wirehead thinks
10 years ago
most of the fun parts of the US are mostly built around biking distance, although it doesn't always seem like it
lindes has
10 years ago
just done a comparison of some bay area distances versus Berlin distances... yeah, Berlin is a little bigger than SF proper, but when you start getting down into the rest of the area... Berlin is tiny. :-)
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