Guys I think the time has come for me to leave the The_Wake.
latest #33
Not cause I don't like the game or all of you. Heck no!!!! I love you all and your characters.
10 years ago
10 years ago
But because I can't keep up with it anymore. When I saw the metaplot coming I just wanted to hide. XD
10 years ago
Yeah, I get ya. It's definitely seemed to have sped up.
10 years ago
aww... we'll miss you. But echoing the others; do what feels best for you. We'll be here if you ever decide to return. ^^
Plus I'm sure you guys have seen my incredibly abysmal activity and increasingly long response times.
As much as I love playing Korra at the wake, I don't want to be one of those players that sits on a popular character and not play them actively. You guys most definitely deserve better than that.
You guys have been amazing and such great roleplayers! So thank for always showing me just how awesome RP is.
10 years ago
Do what you need to!
I've had a lot of fun and as far as things go <3. The_wake will always be my baby.
Man I had this whole speech and stuff...I'll uh...use it next time.
10 years ago
It's okay, hon. Just do what you gotta do. <3
Oh! One question, is the meta-plot still going on?
Doing what you gotta do kind sucks though. :-(
10 years ago
I know these feelings all too well. This month was so bad I'm not going to pull AC.
✿ᗩᎥsha✿ is
10 years ago
this the end of the avatar cast!?
scary doorknob
10 years ago
10 years ago
...i hope not.
10 years ago
I have plans to keep Gyatso around for a bit longer, at least. But yeah. :-(
It's okay Jenn, we were an awesome cast!
10 years ago
;; Yeah
I would do a farewell post for Korra so her friends could say goodbye but I don't want to add onto the load of things going on in the metaplot.
Straya I'm sorry I have to do this!!! ;;
tbh, I kind of wondered if this was coming ;;
but at the same time, you have to do what you need to do
(and I haven't exactly been setting any speed records with my Rex tags at Wake lately, either)
We can still meme together.
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