10 years ago
[meme-Intro] Who are you and what are you doing on my plurk?
latest #14
10 years ago
(There are so many people I added lately I am so confused)
10 years ago
(Though even if I know you well you get bonus points for answering and making up something amazing.)
Beep Beep
10 years ago
We bonded over destruction of souls and the wiping of life on planets clearly.
10 years ago
pinkparasol: Over lunch, I believe~ Jolly good
10 years ago
I am Dragon and we met when I ran you off from trying to steal from my treasure hoard.
10 years ago
LOL I suck at the "come up with amazing stuff" part XD
TheApostate ™
10 years ago
I'm Katt and we met over buildingshit
boop snoot riot
10 years ago
idk man who are you
Ainsley ☄
10 years ago
Alex and Axiom!
Ainsley ☄
10 years ago
Megatron and Ratchet were v. interesting
10 years ago
OldMaidDragon: No no, that is excellent~
10 years ago
Spectreselva: And that is strangely true....we did!
10 years ago
ravynstoneabbey: Awww yes I still miss Axiom sometimes.
Ainsley ☄
10 years ago
I am having all the Ratchet feels since I saw TF4
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